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Purchase order assigned to purchase requisition

0 Kudos

Is there a way that ORACLE could assign a PO to the Requisition at the time the request is entered? I understand the request must go through the approval process, seems like it would streamline the back-end if a PO number was assigned to the requisition number when it was created.

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Active Contributor

It seems that you have landed on the wrong website.

SAP Community is for discussing and helping each other with SAP software. Oracle Cloud is developed and supported by a different software vendor.

You have higher chances to reach the right audience if you post your question in Oracle Community forum.

0 Kudos

I think you are right.

0 Kudos


This is ORACLE Cloud. I am an end user, so i'm not up on all the "jargon" . My question is;

I can place a request in the ORACLE purchasing system my company uses, once I place my request in the system, it gives me a requisition number. I then have to approve the requisition. Once I approve, it then goes to the purchasing manager and is assigned a Purchase order number. I was wondering if there is a way to streamline this process? I.E. Generate the PO# once I approve the requisition?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Sean

It is not clear what you are trying to ask and probably why you have a comment from the moderator

Thy way it works is that you create a PO from a PR and not vicer versa from what I know.

So, why would you need that kind of scenario if you could explain a bit more?

Also, when a PO gets created from PR it already has a ref # so the two are linked

Please advise on some questions to answer better

1. Where is Oracle coming from in here is this an integration you are working on from Oracle to SAP?

2. What module in SAP are you referring to SRM, MM?

Refer this link below which explains the process in SAP

