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Investment project control outside PS Module.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Expert,

I am working in a System which has no PS nor PM Module.

In this working scenario my company needs to build an Asset, and I need to do cost controls related to this project.

I have been searching for ideas of how could I assign all costs to one reference (Project number), and I saw there´s an account assignment group at the purchase named "A" which allows me assigning an Asset.

But.... I need more than one Asset, and in more than only one Purchase Order, that´s why it would be perfect if I could activate also the field "Order" (at the same Ac. As. Group "A") to introduce an statistical internal order which collect all costs regarding same project number.

This statistical internal order is possible to introduce at Acc. As. Grp. profile "R", which I use for the EX part of my project.

Is it possible to activate mentioned field? ("Order" Field is visible at the "Acc. As. Gr." "A", but grey colored)

If not possible: why?

If not possible: have you got any idea based on experience which could me hep to assign all costs (CI and EX) of my project?

Thank you very much in advance!


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Answers (1)

0 Kudos

Hi Manuel,

In order to help you navigate to the right community so that your question could be answered asap, would you please answer me the following questions?

1, Is this system SRM system? (Supplier Relationship Management) You should find SRM_SERVER installation in GUI system.

2, For asset or order category, you may define it in the customizing below:
=>SAP Supplier Relationship Management

=>SRM Server
=>Cross-Application Basic Settings
=>Account Assignment
=>Define Account Assignment Categories
If you could not find this customizing, I am afraid that you are not using SRM system, and the content should be FI related.

