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Good receipt with stock type "Quality Inspection" not working.

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Dear Team,

We are performing DSN implementation for one of our client.
In Migo transaction, we are trying to post goods receipt with stock type -"101-Quality Inspection" at the same time our GRN output is getting triggered, but our client don't want to show the same response to there supplier.

As per our buyer GRN output should be trigger after Quality inspection done by QM team, while QM team moves material from quality to Unrestricted stock "321-MvT" Type is getting triggered.

So if anyone of you found any work around kindly revert to this Question.

Also Let us know is DSN supports Quality inspection functionality.

Thanks & regards,

Hemanshu Chopade

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Product and Topic Expert
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I think you could try to follow steps explained in solution section of this blog post:

but instead of configuring rejections for 122 movement type, you can try to send output from 321

To understand better how Ariba Network works in terms of goods receipt in general take a look here:

As for quality inspection, this is available in SCC solution (one of the three SCC addons)