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G/L Account Value Disappeared After Pushing Save/Order Button While Create Shopping Cart

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All, Please help me solving this issue..

While i created SC for non-stock material, everything went normal, so i input the data that i must input (include account assignment), than i checked the document using "Check" button and i got no errors (i Re-cheked the IO and GL field, make sure if the value still there). So i moved forward, i pushed the "Save" or "Order" button and suddenly its shows me an error that i had not input the GL Account yet and the GL acoount must be input. The trigger was after i pushed the "Save" or "Order" button the GL account field value always gone / disappeared, but if i only "Check" the SC with check button i got no errors.

Why would this happen? i checked All Mapping IO to ProdCategory and GL also, everything mapping perfectly. this error made me stuck in SC Creation and i cant go on. (Im using SRM 7.0)

Can you please let me know what could be the issue?

Thanks & Regards.

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Former Member
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thakyou all, my problem has been solved..



Active Contributor
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...and what was the problem?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


get the error message number, then debug to understand why behavior you described happened.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Hadiyanto,

Please bbp_doc_save_badi is having implementations for shopping cart.

This BADI might be removing the GL account while saving the cart.

Best Regards,
