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ESO/CLM 5.1 to 7.0 upgrade

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0 Kudos

Dear Experts,

We are on Eso/CLM 5.1/2.0 and upgrading to ESourcing 7.0 and the Upgrade document is confusing.

1. According to upgrade guide NW 7.0 is not supported for Esourcing 7.0 and has to be on CE 7.11. So we need to uninstall NW 7.0 and install CE 7.11.

2. As per CE 7.11 installation guide, our current database version DB2 9.1 is not supported, so has to upgrade to DB2 9.5 which has to be used that comes with installation DVD's.

3. As per ESourcing 7.0, if we upgrade the database version to 9.5 or uninstall 9.1 version, what happens during CE 7.11 installation. SApinst automatically detects 9.5 software/database and continues the upgrade or tries to install newer database ?

4. Is it possible to install DB2 10.1 version and use CE 7.11 ?

Please throw some light on this.


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Former Member
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Hi Yoga,

1. Yes, that is correct. However, SAP Sourcing 7.0 also supports NW 7.3 with the latest SP which means you could upgrade from NW 7.0 to 7.3 (this upgrade is supported according to PAM entry of NW 7.3)

2. Not entirely correct, DB2 9.5 is not supported on SAP Sourcing 7.0, it has to be DB2 9.7

3. It is correct that your DB would be upgraded, and it would probably be handled by the DBMS. NW would then run on the newer version as well.

4. I don't believe that we have certified SAP Sourcing 7.0 on DB2 10.1

Hope this helps,


Former Member
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A few additional notes:

It is possible to use a different database for the applicaiton (Sourcing) and the Java WebAS i.e. all supported NW databases can basically be used.

For SAP Sourcing however, only the DB/OS combinations which are on listed on SAP Service Marketplace are supported.

If this answers your question, could you please mark this query as answered.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Armin,

Thank You for your reply.

As per CE 7.11 guide, page number 30, CE 7.11 has to be installed provided the DB DVD's along the other installation software in the market place.

please find the attached screenshot

For the installation of your SAP system, only the English version of DB2 V9.5 is supported.

You must only use the DB2 V9.5 software provided by the SAP installation DVDs.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Yoga,

which OS are you running on ? When I look at the PAM, it seems that DB2 9.7 is supported.

There would be 2 options.

1) You install NW 7.30 (recommended), since you can directly upgrade from NW 7.0 to 7.30 and install DB2 9.7 on both Application (SAP Sourcing) and Java WebAS (NW)

2) You run the Java WebAS and the application on 2 different DBs i.e. run NW CE 7.1.1 on DB2 9.5 and SAP Sourcing on DB2 9.7

Generally, I would be pretty surprised if DB2 9.7 would not be supported on NW.

Why do you not install on NW 7.30 ?



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Armin,

Thank You again !

The reason is upgrade guide of ESourcing 7.0 says that


SAP Sourcing 7.0 requires SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment 7.1 (SAP NetWeaver CE 7.1) including enhancement package 1. If your present release of SAP E-Sourcing is installed on SAP NetWeaver 7.0, you must uninstall SAP NetWeaver 7.0 and install SAP NetWeaver CE 7.1" in page 7.

I would like also to maintain one database version for CE and ESourcing rather than different versions.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Yoga,

that is correct, however with Sourcing 7.0 SP03, we have now also certified NW 7.30 as Java WebAS, so you now have the choice between CE 7.1.1 and 7.30.

Hope this helps.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Thank You Armin !

I would like to stick with CE 7.11 as SAP download place also has only CE 7.11.

Could you please advise, whether installation is procedure is like below ?

1). Take backup of DB/JAVA export.

2). Take backup of 




3). Uninstall SAP NW 7.0

4). Install CE 7.11 which also upgrades DB to 9.5

5). Undeploy ESo 5.1 (How to undeploy Eso 5.1- Please suggest)

6). Install new ESourcing 7.0 via JSPM (Via JSPM or sapinst ?)

7). Upgrade database of Platform & Sourcing

8). Deploy esourcing SCA file via JSPM.

Thanks in advance for your help,


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