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DSN limitations

0 Kudos

It is said that DSN has a limitation about number of transactions (up to 200.000 documents) and the lack of premium services. I would like to know how is calculated that number of documents and for another hand I would like to know to which services are you refering furthermore Supplier Enablement service.

Thanks in advance,

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0 Kudos

Thanks Paul,

I think it is clear. By the way, I guess that 200k documents count include POs only in an scenario where customer wants a basic or standar implementation (only PO or PO + CO + ASN) since you don't have invoice document, is it correct?

0 Kudos

Thanks Dencil for your answer, could you give any other examples of services which are delivered in Commerce Automation but not in DSN?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hey Jesus,

Keep in mind invoices includes invoices, credit-memos and debit memos as well. The 200K document count does not include Purchase Orders,Order Confirmations, Ship Notices etc.

With regular commerce automation , you get

1) Network Connection Service

2) Unlimited Supplier Enablement for the lifetime of the subscription . This also includes Supplier Integration support

Both the above mentioned services are not available with DSN.

Hope that helps.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hey Jesus,

The 200,000 document count factors only the number of invoices and you are right DSN will not have any supplier enablement services from SAP . Supplier enablement will be done by the partner .


0 Kudos

Hi Dennis - For the DSN limitation of 200,000 documents (no. of invoices), is it for the whole time DSN is used or only for a specific number or years? What will happen if the customer has already exceeded that number of documents? Thanks

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hey Sheena,

The 200k is a per-year doc limit (so 200k in Year 1 , 200k in Year 2....). Unused docs cannot be carried forward and future years docs cannot be pulled forward. Keep in mind , although the 200k count now includes PO's and Invoices, it is a very large amount . Few, If any customers have managed to exceed that .

Hope that helps.


0 Kudos

Thanks Dennis for the response.

But for the few customers who managed to exceed the doc limit, what happens to their documents? After reaching the 200k limit will the exceeding docs failed the interface or they will be charged for each document? Thanks

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hey Sheena,

Documents will not fail , customers would still be able to transact. There would have to be some commercial discussion around possibly upgrading to Commerce automation , if the customer consistently exceeds the 200k doc count every year of the subscription.
