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Additional Field in PO creation module - to measure PR/ PO quality[me21n]

0 Kudos

Dear SAP Users,

i am seeking for a possibility to add new / or use the already existing field in SAP tcode ME21N to add an internal mark to measure the quality of the PO/PR data.

In other words - to have this data later on in report ( example: ME2N, ME2N or similar)

- how many PO's have been correctly raised by the requstor and how many not.

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Answers (2)

Answers (2)

0 Kudos

The thing is that those fields from the dynamic selection in ME2N- are not available in the ME21N

That is the story behind the question in the first place.

What is also important - this field - cannot have inpact on any other sap field.

it should be only for the reporting needs

0 Kudos

I dont have the access to SPRO t-code - but is it possible to add additional fields into ME21N view ?

Active Contributor
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You know better your business process on procurement and also know each fields of ME21N screen along with ME2N input screen with fields including dynamic selection - so you need to explore and decide on field for your usage!