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Add details in Advanced search POWL

Former Member
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Hi All

Please help me to add an extra column in result table and in the search criteria and where to update the logic  to enable this new search criteria to be used?

As you see below I am able to add Vendor in search criteria and Result this is by changing the standard webdynpro component

Component:    /SAPSRM/WDC_UI_DS_SO_SC


Now we are NOT  able to identify where to add the logic to update the value in the vendor column as seen above.

I tried with the /SAPSRM/BD_CLL_POWL_FEEDER in that


But even though it gets triggered it does not show up the data in the CT_RESULT parameter it shows a blank list .

Please advise on how this can be achieved ?


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Hi Vinita,

You can identify the POWL type with the process given in this link

The Search structure for POWL is /SAPSRM/S_SEARCHFIELDS and Vendor is standard field already available in the structure.

You can add this field in the search criterion by adding it in the DB criterion for the POWL type in transaction /SAPSRM/POWL_CUST

Check this link for more details under section 'Add the field in DB Criteria'

For adding the field in Result table again transaction /SAPSRM/POWL_CUST and add the field in 'Field Catalog' of feeder

Vendor field is not available in the standard result structure BBP_PDS_PDITEMLIST so you need to add a Z(for e.g. ZZVENDOR) field in the structure and than add it in field catalog

Click 'New Entries' and add an entry for ZZVENDOR' using the search help by specifying position where you want to display it in result table.

To take this field into account when searching for shopping carts enhance method /SAPSRM/IF_PDO_SO_SEARCH_SC_2~EXECUTE_SEARCH  of class /SAPSRM/CL_PDO_SO_SEARCH_SC_2 - this is the place where actual search for SC is executed and results are returned.

In this method you need to add logic to pass vendor to search criterion to 'BBP_PD_SC_GETLIST' and also map the resultant Vendor field to your ZZVENDOR field.

Hope this will give you some pointer towards a working solution



Former Member
0 Kudos


Please could you have a look at the issue and let me know what else i can try?

Aromal Raveendran

Please can you advise?

