Most might be unfamiliar with vendor transfer in one client scenario.
Now I would analyze one issue in vendor transfer which would be of help for your further investigation:
For example, changes in vendor failed to be updated to SRM side when tax number is maintained with more than 11 digits.
Originally, the tax number which has only 9 digits are transferred successfully and could be seen in t-code BP.
However if we maintain tax number with 12 digits for vendor in t-code XK02, this change is lost during the transfer.
First I would like to check t-code MDS_LOAD_COCKPIT, and there should be synchronization between Vendor (Source) and BP (Target).
Then in the tab 'Monitor', you can see red lights which means that there are errors in log. You can directly click 'Application log' tab or use t-code slg1 to list.
There should be error log as below:
This error is raised due to inconsistent format in country-specific checks.
In method MAP_VENDOR_TAX_DATA and FM BUPA_TAX_NUMBER_CHECK, we could see that if country is DE, the tax number 1 of the vendor (field LFA1-STCD1) in ECC is mapped to tax code 2.
However tax number 2 is restricted to 11 digits. If I maintain bigger value in t-code OY17, it will stop me.
Hence error AR 103 will be triggered in LBUPA_TAX_CHECKF01 which is reasonable.
In order to overcome this, we can customize this error message by switching off it in table V_T100C with t-code SM30.
If you want to apply this to all users, please leave 'User Name' field as empty.
Please note this method is not working for all cases. In this case, FM READ_CUSTOMIZED_MESSAGE is used to read such customizing table.
Hope the whole process of analysis would light up you while facing issues in vendor replication(one client scenario).
The basic information about vendor transfer under SRM@ERP one client scenario is introduced in another blog
Best regards,