This is follow-up blog for Some Tips in Translation of SRM content - Part 1.
I received some feedbacks regarding to Topic 2 Translation in SRM documents, such as how can we judge if the field has OTR text?
This really makes a lot of people confused, and now I would like to share my experience about this.
Scenario 1: Some buttons do not have OTR referred
For example, while translating button 'Responses and Awards' in RFx, you may right click the button to display technical details.
Here the Webdynpro Component for this button is FPM_OIF_COMPONENT, not in the form of '/SAPSRM/...'
The text of such field is directly inserted without OTR text referred as below:

In this scenario, you can only change the text in transaction se80 and the translation will take effect.
Scenario 2: Some buttons/columns have OTR referred
For example, in 'Responses and Awards' screen, to change the text of 'Last Changed on' column, right click the columns and the WebDynpro component used is /SAPSRM/WDC_AODC_BEV_ACT.

Meanwhile, if you checked the 'text' property of this column, you will see OTR text is used.

In such scenario, please go to my blog Some Tips in Translation of SRM content - Part 1 to check the solution in Topic2.
Welcome to any feedback regarding to translations issue in SRM application:)