SAP provided standard translation for buttons, fields, etc, in different languages. However you may still want to adjust it according to your understanding.
Here in this blog, I would like to introduce some ways to do translation in SRM application.
- Translation in POWL area
In POWL, it is divided into three parts:
- Active Query

For this part, you may find the corresponding query in t-code POWL_QUERY, and go to path 'Goto -> Translation'
to select the target language for translation.

- Search Criteria

For this part, please go to method SET_MY_SELCRITERIA of corresponding class, such as /SAPSRM/CL_CLL_POWL_BO_RFQ.
And then Goto -> Text Elements to choose the field and do translation.

- POWL button and result table

For this part, please refer to the solution in the following note to check and maintain the translation:
KBA 2158920 Translation Issues in SRM POWL
2. Translation in SRM Documents
If you would like to translate some fields or buttons in SRM documents, such as RFx, SC, etc, please try the following method:
- Get wendynpro component, view name and element name of the field or button and search property value in table WDY_UI_PROPERTY.

- If no entry for this field/button in table WDY_UI_PROPERTY, then search the text directly in t-code sort_edit to get the package, alias and concept.

- Go to se63, and navigate to menu Translation --> ABAP Objects --> Short Texts --> A5 --> SOTR.

For 'object name', please insert both package and the concept of the text using F4 help:
For example:

You may also refer to KBA 1739292 - Use of the Online Text Repository (OTR) to correct translation issues for the second method.
3. Translation for Dropdown Texts
For some dropdown texts, it can only be found in specific method. So the translation has to be done in the method itself.
For example, in RFx, while adding lines, there is option 'add item from SC'.
Then Goto --> Text Elements to do such kind of translation:

4. Translation for Buttons without OTR
For some buttons, they have no OTR maintained, so it has to be translated in t-code se80.
For example, 'Award' button in Responses&Awards page:
- Go to SE80.
- Enter FPM_OIF_COMPONENT in Web dynpro Comp./ Intf.
- Expand Component Configurators.
- Select /SAPSRM/WDCC_FPM_BEV_RFQ under Component Configurations.
- Click on Start Configurator.
- Click on change in the new window Component Configuration /SAPSRM/WDCC_FPM_BEV_RFQ.
- Click on "Award" Button.
- Change the Label as what you want
- Change the tool tip as what you want
- Save your changes.
Hope this would be of help, and welcome any other ideas about translation methods in SRM.