In this blog post, I would like to share some experience while handling catalog transfer issue and SRM-MDM catalog UI issue.
Part One:
This story is about 'dropdown list' for search criteria in SRM-MDM search UI. As you could see, even if I set the search field as 'Dropdown menu', it still use 'Extended Value Selector'.

Why dose it behave inconsistently with the setting in Config UI? This is more related to one parameter in WebDynpro JAVA.
There is a parameter which can control this behavior, called "sap.valuesetlimit.maxondemand".
It defines the maximum size of a simple type value set which is displayed as a Simple Value Selector (DropDownByKey UI element with dropdown list).
When the value set size exceeds the configured sap.valuesetlimit.maxondemand value, the dropdown list is replaced by an Extended Value Selector (EVS) popup dialog.
So this is a feature, and we may adjust it as mentioned in SAP note:
1013227 - Using Drop Down List Boxes in ZCI Style Interactive Form
Check the section "How to change the maximum number of items allowed in the Value Help DDL**:"
Meanwhile on 730 you find the webdynpro properties here:
This page also mentioned the parameter "sap.valuesetlimit.maxondemand".
Part Two:
Another story is about transferring Z-field from SRM-MDM catalog to SRM Shopping Cart.
Some customers are complaining that some Z-field can be transferred, but some can not, which is very tricky.
One possible cause is as below: The definition of Z-field name is too long.
Let's have a look at the following case:
For example, if you define the Z-field as 'ZZ_CONTRACT_ITEM_TOLERANCE'. Usually we will never define the field name with so long a name.
Originally, it has this name in LS_STRUCTURE_INFO-FIELDNAME.

However table LT_ITS_CONTEXT won't allow such long name, and it is cut off as 'ZZ_CONTRACT_ITEM_TOLE'

Hope these stories will give you some inspiration while handling such tricky problems :wink: