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Product and Topic Expert
SAP Co-Innovation Lab, in cooperation with the SAP Intelligent RPA product management, the SAP Fieldglass product team, the SAP Ariba product team and the SAP Partner Readiness teams, delivered a successful Hack2Build partner innovation event in North America from  1st - 5th of Nov., 2021.


Great Participation From our Ecosystem

We are very honored to have more than 35 participants representing 6 partner teams TCS, IBM, Infosys, HCL, PwC and Stratesys joined this week-long #Hack2Build event. The partners were organized to address specific real customer use cases using SAP Intelligent RPA, SAP Fieldglass, and SAP Ariba.  All teams were passionate about building workforce management and procurement solutions to address the real business pain point.

A Wonderful Hacking Journey

A lot of work went to getting the partners ready one week before the hackathon started.  On the pre-session, in addition to introduce the agenda of the hackathon, the SAP team walked through all necessary system landscape such as SAP Intelligent RPA, SAP Ariba and SAP Fieldglass.

The hackathon spread across 5 days. On day 1, Nov. 1st, all teams were introduced to each other, rules and goals were explained. After keynotes and technical enablement sessions, access to infrastructure and landscape were provided to all participants. All partners jumped in right away to check out the hacking environment and get their hands dirty.

From Nov. 2nd to 4th, all the 6 teams were working on building a prototype for their selected use cases, with strong engineering guidance and support from the product team of the SAP Intelligent RPA, SAP Fieldglass as well as SAP Ariba team during the building phase.


An Amazing Demo Jam 

After a week’s coding and hacking, 6 partner teams presented their solutions in a 2-hours long Demo Jam on the final day, Nov. 5th.

These 2 hours demo were full of excitements. Each team had an opportunity to introduce the business challenges they were addressing and what customers can benefit from their solutions, and most importantly, to demonstrate live to the judges and other participants how their use cases create value for the particular business scenario. The judges at the end of each demo asked questions and shared their thoughts and feedback.


Partner Stratesys emerged as the Winner, TCS as the first runner-up. All finalists presented excellent solutions giving a hard time for the judging panel evaluation.

The virtual podium of the #Hack2Build SAP Intelligent RPA on SAP Fieldglass and SAP Ariba, North America



Stratesys created the winner solution “U-Verify” which is a SAP Fieldglass Extension to do Automatic Analysis of Documents & Electronic Document Management linked to supplier contracts (SOWs) and workers in SAP Fieldglass with the aim to optimizing time, reduce costs and guarantee that compliance rules are met. This solution increases the productivity of teams in the Supply, Compliance, Finance, Administrative and Legal departments, as well as law firms, from applications using the U-Verify features, able to recognize, filter and work with data and information present in documents in a way automated.

Voice from winner Stratesys:

1st Runner Up:

TCS showcased a solution called “Supplier Risk Assessment Automation (SRAA)”. One of the key aspects of the solution is to have a holistic scoring which can determine the correct Supplier Risk information. In industries like Financial/Banking, getting a complete scoring at the engagement level becomes the key.

Voice from TCS


All the other teams presented very impressive solutions in the Demo Jam as well. A big shout out to all teams and the use cases they created during this hackathon:

  • Team PwC:

Contract Compliance Enhancement. Pre-negotiated contract terms (catalog service & material terms) that are defined in Ariba Contract (MSA) to create Fieldglass (M) SOW service category items

  • Team HCL

Ariba Risk Checker for Fieldglass and Ariba Customers. SOWs submitted for approval in Fieldglass can be checked for risk exposure based on supplier risk score available in SAP Ariba.

  • Team Infosys:

Catalog enrichment. The solution is based on SAP Conversational AI and SAP Intelligent RPA. End user interacts with a chat bot that takes the user through non-catalog purchase journey and also aggregates that data to automate catalog management. Over time, we have fewer non-catalog purchases. Provides user conversational experience to guide user through a buying experience, .

  • Team IBM:

The use case was about Catalog governance where the category manager is expected to keep the catalogs up to date with respect to the contracts. In this use case, the bot picks up the supplier information file and then moves to pick up all the activated catalog line items, categorizes the line items based on the "supplier & category manager" mapping and finally sends out a mail to the category manager with an excel attachment containing the catalog line items for verification.


Post Event

All the participant partner teams will receive digital badges by cred.ly from SAP.

Most of the partners are continuing with their development and aim to bring their solutions to customers as soon as possible. We will follow up with them to keep track and help to reach the required partner services that SAP has to offer.



Work as One 

It would not be possible to have this hackathon delivered successfully without the support from many teams inside and outside SAP. A big Thank You to all of those who supported us from initiation, preparation, to execution of this amazing event, and we want to call out a few here.


A big thanks to:


SAP Intelligent RPA product team: Max McPhee, Rosa Orihuela

SAP Ariba product team: Sean McGann,

SAP Fieldglass product team: Scott Haley, Mike Uhl, Pedro Guzman

Demo support: Adina Anderson, Prasanth Rajan, Bhuwan Bhaskar, Dhannanjay Kumar, Divya Boganatham Surendra Babu

Partner Readiness: John Hall, Mary Pickering

PLS: Kevin Liu

SAP Co-Innovation Lab team: Rudi Held, Jiayi Wang and all colleagues from SAP Co-Innovation Lab who have contributed with great support, content, and shared experience. 

and many others. Thank you for your excellent support in various phase of the hackathon. We certainly couldn’t have it done without your leadership, domain expertise, and dedication to the success of SAP and our ecosystem.