The Shopping carts for which the log on user is the requester, could be browsed through (will be listed) in the ‘My Carts’ screen in SRM UI Add-On. This includes the carts created in Web Dynpro also.
If there are follow-on documents (e.g Purchase order, Confirmation etc) created for the shopping cart items, the follow-on documents can be viewed via the links provided for the same in ‘My Carts’ screen.
For the navigation links to work , either Net weaver Business Client (NWBC) needs to be enabled or Portal Customization needs to be maintained. If both the settings are maintained, the settings maintained for NWBC will be considered on navigation of the links.
Also, to navigate to the shopping carts which are created in Web Dyn pro , one of the above settings needs to be maintained.
Enable NWBC with the following customization activity:
Go to transaction SPRO -> SAP Implementation Guide->SAP Supplier Relationship Management ->SRM Server ->Technical Basic Settings->Portal-Independent Navigation Frame->Activate/Deactivate Portal-Independent Navigation Frame
Activate the customizing switch SRM_700_LOCAL_MENU
Maintain the portal configuration with following customization activity:
Go to transaction SPRO -> SAP Implementation Guide->SAP Supplier Relationship Management ->SRM Server ->Technical Basic Settings->Maintain Portal Information
Here maintain the necessary data for following entries:
1)Port of the SAP Portal (Internal)
2)Full Qualified Domain Name (Internal)
3)Protocol (Internal)
4)Root Path of iView/Application
Related Documents Navigation
Link to Follow-on documents are displayed under ‘Related Docs’ for each Shopping cart item.
When there are more than one document of the same type for a shopping cart item, the navigation links will be displayed in the ‘Multiple Docs’ pop-up.
For example, when one Purchase order and one confirmation are created for the SC item, direct links to the documents will be displayed in ‘Related docs’.
However, if more than one confirmations are created for the same SC, ‘Multiple Docs’ link will be displayed which opens a pop-up which has the links to the different confirmations.
When backend documents (for e.g Purchase requisition) are created, the document number information will be displayed in the ‘Multiple docs’ pop-up.
SC with more than 1 confirmation
SC with PR as follow-on document