Hi There,
Welcome to update #8 of Fieldglass Features.
As a Fieldglass Product Adoption Executive in Australia – I manage a portfolio of 10-15 customers at any one point in time. Each customer is different with different program goals, operational, organisational or regulatory constraints.
The purpose of these blog posts is to highlight opportunities for customers to drive more value creation out of using the Fieldglass application or improve the user experience for your audiences. The Features we’ll discuss should be of interest to most customers – no matter the program type or geographical region.
This week we’re talking user experience – particularly focussing on your high volume users, and senior stakeholders who have a vested interest in contingent/SOW operations, stats or trends. Looking at home page reports and charts.
What does it do:
Home page reports and charts provide the ability for the user to configure for themselves or for PMO users with permissions to set up for them, real time*reporting info, delivered automatically, straight to their home landing page each time they log into Fieldglass whilst maintaining key visibility permissions so no one see’s anything they shouldn’t. Data displayed can be standard report output format, or for a bit more jazz data can also be displayed into pie charts, bar graphs etc.
Why should it be of interest:
- Providing real time* data directly to high volume or special interest users allows users to access data at their fingertips right when they need it. By configuring home page reports and graphs you are negating the need for those not so familiar with reporting – to have the data they need, when they need it – without having to contact the PMO support team for assistance – allowing your PMO team to focus on value add activities and reduce the administrative burden.
- By having key reports or charts on your home page, it negates the need for users to be consistently running reports to collect data they rely on / monitor every day,
- PMO team is able to associate a report chart to either an individuals home page, or they can assign via User role – so all users with that user role will have the info displayed on their home page (whilst still maintaining the existing visibility permission in place so no one see’s anything they shouldn’t).
- Fieldglass conveniently has a suite of pre-defined graphs ready to go – worker count by month, time to fill by job, month by month spend – to name but a few
- from the graph or report - the user is quickly able to drill down with options of viewing the data table, downloading csv or download copy of the graph image to quickly
Use cases:
- A financial controller – will be keen to keep track of actual spend vs committed spend as it approaches year end to make sure all budgeted capex is spent within the available time period
- A resource manager – will be keen to see current status of all their job postings – to alert if progress on specific job postings has stalled
- Supplier Relationship Managers – will be keen to identify actual vs committed spends on their SOW portfolio – to identify if budget is being consumed quicker than expected
- A department director – would be interested in seeing how many contingent workers and services staff are engaged in their unit
- A Recruitment manager will be keen on tracking key SLA’s – current average time to fill, current average time to submit
Effort to implement –super easy, can be configured by the user them selves, or PMO team can set up
Effort to test – n/a. once report is created it’s just added to their home page by the user
Benefits to business – very handy and convenient. Also a very easy way for stakeholders to consume graphical data and stay up to date without needing to ask for it
- Create report of data you wish to display on your homepage or push to other users home page
- Users can customize their own home page to include report data or graphs
- Alternatively the PMO can push reports and graphs to users (or group of users) home page saving the user having to configure themselves
Don't forget to check out the
Analytics user guide on SAP help for step by step directions of how to create reports and charts and how to put them on your/others home page
*reporting data may be up to 15 minutes lag

Examples of how how your homepage could look

Spend by Category - with options on left

worker by business unit
What are some use cases of where this has been done with great success for you?