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When building CLM application or integrating with third party application there is always requirement to add custom jar files. I have been involved/assisted on couple of CLM projects and found issue deploying custom jar files using standard custom jar file deployment tool provided in CLM Installation and configuration guide.  The jar file added had "Zero" size .

In this blog I would like to present couple of other options that can be used to deploy Custom Jar files.

1. CLM Installation and configuration Guide (Standard process to deploy custom jar files is available in attached link).



2. Adding custom jar files to esourcing ear file manually using WinRaR or WinZip

  1. Copy the sourcing ear file to local Directory/folder on your system

esoserver.ear (CLM newer Version) or fcsourcing.ear (CLM older Version)

   b.    Modify the extension from .ear to .zip, and unzip the zip file or use WinRAR

The unzipped folder should look like one in the screen shot

     c.     Unzipped fcsourcing.war, the unzipped fcsourcing file should look like one in the screen shots

Delete the fcsourcing.war file after unzip.

     d.     Go to esoserver\fcsourcing\WEB-INF\lib (new CLM version) or fcsourcing\ fcsourcing \WEB-INF\lib  (old CLM Version) folder

Add custom jar files required for your project.

     e.    Go back to fcssourcing folder (war file folder) and select all files as shown below in the screen shot

     f.     Select add archive.

     g.     After archive step , the folder should look like one in the screen shot


     h.     Rename fcssourcing.zip to fcssourcing.war.

Copy fcssourcing.war file and paste it in “esoserver” folder, the esoserver folder should look like one in the screen shot.


     i.       Delete fcssourcing folder



         j.     Select all files in esoserver folder and create archive

Rename esoserver.zip to esoserver.ear

     K. Now esoserver.ear is ready for deployment with custom jar files. Undeploy existing ear file and deploy new ear file with custom jars when following "Manually Adding Custom Jar files Option".


3.  Adding Custom Jar files using ANT Script :

I have written an ANT script (attached) that can be used to add custom jar file.

  1. Download Java, install and set Java Home



  b.    Download ANT and set ANT Home


  c.  Create two folders with below names

    1. custom_jar_files
    2. esourcing_ear_file

  d.    Download and copy attached build file

          Your folder and file structure should look similar to below screen shot


  e.    Copy esoserver.ear to “esourcing_ear_file” folder


  f.     Copy all the custom jar files you require to “custom_jar_files” folder


  g.    Open command prompt and go to directory with build file


  h.    Execute ant command


  i.     new ear file generated should be found in “esourcing_ear_file” with custom jar file

  j.    undeploy existing ear file and deploy new ear file with custom jars    


*Note : if you are working with older version of esourcing, please edit the build file with older ear file name