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Black Friday, the annual shopping extravaganza, is an exciting time for shoppers hunting for great discounts. Modern businesses have unique requirements in this high-load period with their heterogeneous and hybrid landscapes, from procurement to order fulfillment and payments. SAP Cloud Platform’s Integration solution for Process Integration played a critical role in delivering this experience. In the 10-day period from the 20th of November to the 30th of November, approximately 580 million messages and 290 million API calls were routed into business establishments via our Integration Suite platform. The prepackaged integration content on SAP API Business Hub was also used in almost all scenarios, highlighting the value add that high-quality out-of-the-box integration packages bring to businesses.

Read on to find out how SAP Cloud Platform Integration was at the heart of this successful period.

Prepackaged integration content helps in getting the party started

SAP offers out-of-the-box integrations on the API Business Hub that help customers accelerate their integration projects. With more than 1300 integration packages, the API Business Hub caters to a wide variety of integration needs. In the period leading up to Black Friday, the integration packages related to SAP Marketing Cloud were heavily used. This was a clear indication of the effectiveness and the advantages that prepackaged integration content offers to customers. It was also a testament to the rigid quality measures that are used for vetting the content before being published for consumption.

API Management Platform provides a scalable API gateway layer

One of the core components of the SAP Cloud Platform Integration Suite is the API management platform that enables customers to secure and manage their APIs by putting a gateway layer in-between. There was a substantial surge in API volumes being delivered via the platform particularly from customers in the retail business. For example, a barcode API that is invoked whenever a cashier scans a barcode in retail outlets or whenever an item is picked off a supermarket shelf. Or, a label printing API that is invoked whenever an address label for an e-Commerce delivery from a warehouse is being made.

The operations team ensured that sufficient compute and resources were available to process all incoming requests and that all of our auto-scale mechanisms are in place and well tested so that instances could be spun up on-demand and scaled-down when not needed.

SAP Marketing Cloud sets the stage

SAP Marketing Cloud played a key role in setting the stage for the Black Friday sale. The companies were keen on getting the message out to their customers and made heavy use of SAP Marketing Cloud and the respective prepackaged content for this purpose. Between 20th and 22nd November, approximately 182.5 million messages were processed by SAP Cloud Platform Integration. This translated to 222 million emails, 27 million text messages, and 28K campaign runs on SAP Marketing Cloud.

The lead-up and D-Day: on Black Friday

As expected, there was a surge in the number of messages that were processed in the days prior to Black Friday. As businesses were preparing for the Black Friday sale, 163.7 million messages were processed between 25th and 27th November owing to the stocking and procurement activities of the companies. On the actual day of the sale, 64 million messages were processed. Overall, it was a very successful week not only for customers of SAP Cloud Platform Integration but also for the service itself as it passed the litmus test with flying colors.

Key takeaways

The numbers are a clear indication of SAP Cloud Platform Integration’s robustness and reliability even in high-load scenarios. It withstood the heavy message loads, something that cannot be simulated under test conditions.

  • Heavy usage of prepackaged content showed that the strict quality measures that are used to enforce content quality on SAP API Business Hub paid off

  • Tenants experienced 120% average message processing loads

  • Increased number of integrations, especially scenarios related to SAP Marketing Cloud

If you would like to try out SAP Cloud Platform Integration before purchase, please check out this blog on our SAP Cloud Platform Integration Suite community. You can also access this tutorial mission on the SAP Cloud Platform Trial account landing page to get started with SAP Cloud Platform Integration.