Issue details :
Particular Users getting TIMEOUT Dumps while using perform sourcing in SRM Portal Application.
Whenever the user clicks on perform sourcing then it end with Connection Timeout screen and thereby generating TIMEOUT DUMP in the SRM System.
Below is the screenshot of the Portal Screen :

Cause :

Users must have checked the above highlighted option (Start Search Upon Opening Application)
All these customizing are stored in table /SAPSRM/SOCO_SET in SRM System.
Please follow the below steps to fix the above TIMEOUT issue :
1. Login into SRM system
2. Run Tcode SE16
3. Give the table name as /SAPSRM/SOCO_SET
4. Enter the user names in the search criteria who are facing the above mentioned issue.
5. The below entries can be seen :
Observer the AUTOSTART Column for the users. Autostart option is enabled for the users who all are facing the TIMEOUT issues.

6. Select the users and delete their entries from the above table.
7. Once the entries are deleted; the issue is resolved.