SRM ---- Supplier Self Registration:
Overview of the Process:
>> Supplier clicks Registration URL and Fills the Registration Form.
>> Supplier provides details like Name, address, Product categories etc at the time of registration.
>> System checks the Product categories selected by Supplier at time of Registration and Send questionnaires specific to Product categories either as link in email or as attachment depending upon the configuration done.
>> Supplier clicks link and fills the Survey Questionnaire and Click submit.
>>The Purchaser accesses the pre-screen supplier application from Enterprise Buyer Professional and verifies the responses from suppliers. If purchaser is satisfied with Supplier information, the supplier registration will be approved.
>>The approved supplier data can be transferred to EBP and a Business partner can be created.
Settings Need to be Done in ROS Client:
>> Create Product Category: Product Category Hierarchy and Category can be created by Tcode: COMM_HIERARCHY or it can also be replicated from SAP ERP System.
>> Assign Category Hierarchy to Applications: Assign the new category hierarchy to purchasing applications in Tcode: COMM_PRAPPLCAT.
>> Create/Change Questionnaire: Create Questionnaire as per Category to obtain category specific Questionnaire. Path: IMG<<Supplier Registration Management<<Basic Settings<<Create/Change Questionnaire.
Note: A) if you want to send Questionnaire as URL in Email to Supplier, Ensure to Check “Direct Update into Application While creating/Changing Questionnaire in its Header Data.
Error: "Calling the BSP page was terminated due to an error'.In addition, the following text is displayed: 'BSP exception: Application sap/uws_form_service cannot be started. Create an application node using Transaction SICF'.
Implement SAP Note: 1046522
"IF Service UWS_FORMS_SERVICE Does not Exist in SICF"
Refer SAP Note: 1038797 , 1078545
>> Language Selection for Questionnaire: Maintain the default Language for Questionnaire.
>> Select Product Categories For registration: The Categories defined in this setting are visible to suppliers when they register using the self-registration page.
>>Assign Questionnaire and Language to product category.
>>Create Anonymous UserID for Supplier Registration:
Create a service user in Transaction SU01 and assign the following roles:
>> Assign anonymous UserID to Self-Registration Service:
When a new Supplier launches the self-registration page, the system should not ask for a userID and password. But when a new supplier submits the registration information, a temporary business partner is created in the ROS client. To Facilitates this, We need to assign an anonymous UserID with appropriate authorizations to the self-registration service in Transaction SICF to service ROS_SELF_REG.
>>Activate Services:
Activate the following BSP Services for supplier self-registration using Tcode: SICF
Ø Default_host-sap-bc-bsp-sap-ros_self_reg
Ø Default_host-sap-bc-bsp-sap-ros_self_edit
Ø Default_host-sap-bc-bsp-sap-ros_prescreen.
Note: Make Sure to Maintain the Initial BSP as main.htm in SE80 for BSP Application ros_self_reg, Otherwise it will lead to an BSP error while accessing the Registration URL as mentioned below.
Error: "SRM-ROS registration URL returns with BSP error
Calling the BSP page was terminated due to an error.
The following error text was processed in the system:
BSP exception: Object default.htm is not vaild in URL /sap/bc/bsp/sap/ros_self_reg/default.htm"
Implement SAP Note: 1772226.
>> Define Organizational Plan for Buyer and Vendor:
If you use the SUS Client for Supplier self-registration also, and have already configured the settings for SUS, Then you do not need to Configure any additional details here, Create an Organizational node for the purchasing organization using Transaction PPOCA_BBP. Also, Create a Supplier root Organization using Transaction PPOCV_BBP.
>> Maintain BBP_MarketP_Info table:
Maintain the following table entries in table BBP_MARKETP_INFO using Transaction SM30.
Ø Vendor Root: Enter the Vendor root Organization ID for example: VGXXXXXX . You can gets this ID from PPOMV_BBP.
Ø Std Purch. Org: Enter the purchasing organization ID, for example 0 5XXXXXX. You can get this ID using Tcode: PPOMA_BBP.
Ø CURR: Maintain the default Currency code.
>>Specify data privacy settings for suppliers:
IMG<<Supplier Relationship Management<<settings for User Interface<<Specify Data Privacy settings for Suppliers.
Settings Need to Done in EBP Client:
>> Maintain BBP_MARKETP_INFO: Maintain Vendor Root and Std . Purch Org alongwith Currency.
>>Define External Web Services For Supplier Directory:
The Potential Supplier registered in the Supplier registration act as the Supplier directory in the EBP client until they are transferred to EBP as Business Partners. This settings is also required to access the Vendor screening application Form.
>> Role Adjustment:
This settings is also required to access the Vendor screening application Form the EBP purchaser menu. The following roles need to be modified.
Steps to Modify the Role:
Open the Role in Edit mode using transaction PFCG.
Ø Go to menu option preselect Vendors and double – click it to Edit.
Ø Enter the ROS_PRESCREEN in the field BSP application.
Ø In the parameters, maintain the Parameter name and SAP-Client and value <ROS Client>.
Related BADI :
1. BAdI ROS_CUST_WEL_TXT: Used to change the Welcome Text on registration page.
2. BAdI ROS_REQ_CUF: Used to define mandatory fields to be filled out by suppliers.
3. BAdI ROS_BUPA_DATA_CHECK: To Check the Values.
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