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This document explains how confirmations are transferred to ECC ( both material confirmations and service entry sheets) and gives some useful tips for supporting issues encountered.

Confirmations for Material items

Once the confirmation is created in SRM, an IDoc is created in SRM and an entry is made in BBP_DOCUMENT_TAB table.

IDoc in SRM


GUID field contains GUID of confirmation

OBJKEY - IDoc number

CORE KEY - first 10 digits refers to PO number and last 10 digits refer to confirmation number

When the IDoc reaches ECC, system generates a new IDoc in ECC. To figure out the IDoc number generated in ECC, follow below steps

- go to BD87 and enter the IDoc number and execute.

- select node under MBGMCR and click on Trace IDocs.

- This will give IDoc number in ECC

- Go to ECC and open the IDoc in WE02. The status of the IDoc should be 53 (Application document posted)

Meanwhile the CLEAN_REQREQ_UP program (if scheduled as batch job) reads the entry in BBP_DOCUMENT_TAB and calls FM B46A_GOODSMVT_UPDATECHECK (Note that this process is independent of whether the confirmation is posted in backend or not). In this FM there is a call to ECC using  RFC FM BBP_46A_DOCUMENT_UPDATECHECK, where the corresponding IDOC in ECC is read and GR number generated in the backend is determined and exported in table parameter RELATED_OBJECTS.

Entry with ELEMENT value INBOUND_OBJECT contains GR number generated in ECC in column OBJKEY

Entry with ELEMENT value OUTIDOC contains IDoc number generated in SRM in column OBJKEY

Entry with ELEMENT value INIDOC contains IDoc number generated in ECC in column OBJKEY

The GR number from ECC is taken and updated in BBP_PDBEH table using FM BBP_PD_CONF_SET_BE_REF and BBP_PD_CONF_SAVE

After CLEAN_REQREQ_UP runs successfully, entry in BBP_DOCUMENT_TAB is deleted and 'Related document' tab in PO item is updated with backend number.

How it looks in ECC

How to find the IDoc in SRM for a given material confirmation

- Go to WE09

- Enter date range in 'created on' field

- Enter details as shown below

How to find the corresponding GR number in ECC


- In IS_DOCUMENT_TAB, enter IDoc number in field OBJKEY

- In table CONTROL_RECORD enter below two entries with logical system of ECC

RELATED_OBJECTS Table will have details of ECC GR number and IDoc

How to create an entry in BBP_DOCUMENT_TAB for a given material confirmation

In some cases where the status or the backend document number is not updated in related documents, we might need to create an entry in BBP_DOCUMENT_TAB table manually.

- Go to SE37 and run FM BBP_UPDATE_LINK

- Pass 'IM' in import parameter doc_type

-Enter below values in IMLINK table

OBJKEY is PO number and GUID is confirmation GUID.

- Execute the FM

Return delivery in SRM

How it looks in ECC (A new material document with movement type 102 is posted)

Cancellation in SRM

How it look in ECC

IDoc Transfer process for Return delivery and cancellation is exactly as it is for confirmations.

Note: In Return delivery we can choose how much quantity we want to return but in case of cancellation we have to cancel the entire quantity of confirmation.

Confirmations for Service / Limit items

For service/Limit items, when confirmation is created in SRM, a new document called service entry sheet is created. The transfer process for service entry sheets, does not involve any IDocs and no BBP_DOCUMENT_TAB entries are created. Everything happens in FM META_ENTRYSHEET_CREATE, including entry sheet creation and updating of backend document number in table BBP_PDBEH. In ECC, every accepted entry sheet will have a corresponding material document posted. This is the reason why we see two entries in 'Related documents' tab of PO item (one for entry sheet with backend number and another with just backend number, but no SRM number)If we cancel the entry sheet in SRM then a new material document with movement type 102 is created in backend.

Confirmations for limit PO

How it looks in ECC

The relation between entry sheet and SRM confirmation is stored in field 'Communication number' in tab 'Origin' of Entry sheet (Table ESSR field USER1, we can use this table to find corresponding entry sheet for a given SRM confirmation)

Material document

Reference document field contains corresponding entry sheet number.

After cancellation of entry sheet from SRM, we have a reversal document created in SRM and it refers to same original ECC entry sheet. We also have a cancellation document with only backend number (this is the material document with movement type 102 in ECC)

How it looks in ECC. Please note a new material document with movement type 102 is created in ECC

Status of entry sheet in ECC is deleted

Everything is same for service POs

After creating confirmation in SRM

How it looks in ECC

After cancelling entry sheet in SRM

How it looks in ECC

Important notes:

When analyzing issues related to confirmations

- Check whether the confirmation is posted in ECC or not as described above

- If posted and the backend number is not updated in SRM or status is not posted in backend, for material confirmations update the BBP_DOCUMENT_TAB as described above

- If posted and the backend number is not updated in SRM, for service entry sheet, we have to update the BBP_PDBEH table directly with entry sheet number

- If the confirmation is NOT posted in ECC and status is Error in transmission or approved, try to transfer the confirmation from BBP_PD

Press enter after entering TRANSFER in command field and execute.

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