We recently upgraded our SRM from 5.5 to 7 and with this change we were introduced with the SAP CORBU theme.
The new SRM 7 is WDA driven with the FPM architecture but the MDM is still a java based application that is hosted in our case on our SAP Portal 7.4,
Altought the portal 7.4 comes with the sap_corbu it is not supported as the main theme , and specific to our case we already had a custom theme to match our corporate design language.
The Problem:
1) How to match the MDM look & feel to SRM.
MDM (SAP Tradeshow Plus):
The Solution:
As a portal developer I'm well familiar with the sap-css url parameter but the problem was how to incorporate this parameter with in the standard Catalog flow,
after a hour of debugging i found this BADI:
This badi is called every time the navigation to MDM occured, i've added this code:
under CAT_CALL_ENRICH method
DATA: ls_post_values LIKE LINE OF ct_post_values,
lv_portal_url TYPE string.
" You can also reffer your abap stack theme if no portal is present.
lv_portal_url = 'http://yourPortalAddress:PORT'.
ls_post_values-fieldname = 'sap-cssurl'.
CONCATENATE lv_portal_url '/com.sap.portal.design.urdesigndata/themes/portal/sap_corbu/r/ls/ls_sf3.css?v=' INTO ls_post_values-fieldcont.
APPEND ls_post_values TO ct_post_values.
END Result: