Decision Making
This feature is classified under Business Function SRM_Analytics_2 where 2 reports have been provided in the side panel alongside a list of reports that’s available in strategic sourcing work center (RFx POWL). Purchasers can now display the RFx status & cycle time graphs in POWL. Again providing a graphical representation, is a big leap forward than looking at the data side by side in a table based format
1.0 What are the 2 reports?
1.1 RFx Status: A bar chart showing Number of RFx in each RFx status (In Process, In Approval, Published) is displayed for each product category or purchasing organization or purchasing group.
A visual aid dashboard is easier to pull-up during a morning stand-up meeting for a Strategic buyer than actually running a report off in excel and creating a graph outside SAP, this is the DNA of the feature that stands-out for me.
There have been customers in the past that wanted this feature and it’s there today, at least in the lean format.

Number of RFx in each RFx status (In Process, In Approval, Published) by product category or purchasing group or purchasing organization is displayed.

This feature is classified under Business Function SRM_Analytics_2 where 2 reports have been provided in the side panel alongside a list of reports that’s available in strategic sourcing work center (RFx POWL). Purchasers can now display the RFx status & cycle time graphs in POWL. Again providing a graphical representation, is a big leap forward than looking at the data side by side in a table based format
1.2 Average Cycle Time: A bar chart showing Average cycle time (the length of time between RFx creation and completion) by product category or purchasing group or purchasing organization is displayed.
Average RFx cycle time (the length of time between RFx creation and completion) by product category or purchasing group or purchasing organization is displayed.
When it comes to cycle time analysis, no customer is plain happy to get a cycle time from the start to end, they always want it available between phases also, but this is a great way to start off at-least, having it right under the POWL so that an overall perspective of the Cycle time can be debated during a stand-up meeting or a strategic meeting b/w buyers or commodity managers.

- We have one last Innovation on the Streamlined Strategic sourcing innovation that is related to the SRM, Supplier Collaboration RFx Response Submission Outside Firewall Improvements, this should definitely answer many complex questions that both Buyers and Suppliers face each day around performance while responding to a customer Bid Invitation
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