Supplier registration process is a mandatory process for sourcing activity. For any new prospect suppliers to participate in a bid, they must exist in SRM system. We can bring these bidders into system using Supplier registration process. SAP does provide a standard form for registration but most of the customers has their custom requirement which requires enhancements in it.
Process to activate standard Form:
In SRM 7.0 SAP has provided ABAP WebDyn Pro form for Registration of supplier.
Step 1: Activate SRM_SUCO_1 switch and then active Supplier Self-Registration node (@ RoS Client).
Step 2:- Under Node Questionnaire Settings maintain below configuration (RoS Client).This configuration is required to send Questionnaire after submitting registration from.
Create/Change Questionnaire
Select Product Categories for Registration
Language Selection for Questionnaire
Assign Questionnaire and Language to Product Category
Step 3:- Activate SICF service for supplier form at RoS Client. Test this service & it will open a standard form.
Enhancement section
SAP main form consists of a main component which holds multiple view containers; each view container is linked with a webdynpro component.
Step 1:- In this example Customer wants to add custom fields at General Company data component which is one of the webdynpro component linked with main form (I will be showing here for few fields for a single view).
- Go to transaction SE80 and open webdynpro component /SAPSRM/WDC_SUCO_SREG_GEN for General data.
- Add a append structure in INCL structure INCL_EEW_BP_CSF_COMPANY_DATA. Here we are adding a custom field ZZ_SUP_TYPE. This INCL is associated with the above webdynpro view.
- Now we want to make sure that data of this custom field should also store into data base table BUT000 (Master table for business partner).
- For this we need to enhance BUT000 INCL structure INCL_EEW_BUT000 with the similar fields, add a custom append structure here as well.
- Create an UI element and bind it with custom field inserted into INCL structure.
Step 2:
Meta data settings; Go to transaction SM30 and maintain meta data view /SAPSRM/V_MDF_S1 for RoS
Step 3:- Test Service, it will open the form, now you will able to view custom field on the screen.
Test the changes:
A Questionnaire email should have floated to Supplier provided address.
You can find that data has been saved in business partner table BUT000 (@RoS client)