Firstly, Congratulations to all SAP Certified consultants, and to the ones that aren't, I strongly recommend doing one.
Hello, my name is Vijay Vital with 15 years experience in implementing SAP and recently hold certifications in SAP S/4HANA and SAP Ariba. I blog on SAP Ariba integrations which can be found
vijayvital and also using linked profile
vijay.vital (Multiple SCN profiles). Today's blog is about the SAP new digital certificate feature that was rolled out last week.
It's amazing to see after years of blogs, questions and requests from SAP community, SAP has rolled out a new feature called "digital certificate" which not only is a badge but a verification process for employers/recruiter to verify SAP Certified candidates.
SAP have not migrated all certification but only the consultants who got certified from January 2017 for selected solutions. Check out your register email address for an email with "Congratulations! Claim your SAP Digital Certification Badge issued by SAP now."
The FAQ can be found at
Below are my new digital badges. Good luck with your certification.