If you have been working in the SRM system you must have across a situation where you had refresh/Copy back of the systems and it always breaks the systems to an extent where you cant progress any further. I have prepared this guide to help ease out the steps which should be followed during and after refresh. Some activities may be handled by the Basis team but its good to know since after refresh if your systems breaks down or does not function as was doing before refresh these pointers might come handy so you could actually figure out what should be done to fix it. Also included some post refresh must-do steps by the SRM functional folks to ensure your system is up and running once refresh or copy back is completed.
Preparation steps before refresh:
- Transport Clean-up for ECC and SRM systems to make a note of those transports which are in Quality systems but never made their way to production. Ignore those which are no longer needed but if there are TR which are needed after refresh make a note of those as we may need to import them back again after the refresh is complete.
- Provide Fire Fighter access to your security or Basis team they would need it on an ongoing basis till the task is finished.
- Open Client for Post-Processing Configuration Activities
System setup for refresh
- Disable SCOT
- Disable background Jobs in transaction SM37
- Disable Web Dispatcher to disable user access via the Portal
- Disable Logon Group to disable user access via SAPGUI including systems users and RFC users.
Start of Refresh Activities: These are mostly handled by the basis team
- Client Export of ERP Production Client and SRM production client via SCC8 Profile: SAP_ALL (All Client-Specific Data w/o Change Documents) to be provided for systems users. This will create 2 transports.
- You can start using SCC1 or SCCL which is a local copy and gives you estimate of the size and time it will take.
- In SCC4 prepare the system for Changes without automatic recording If you compare this with production system it is No Changes allowed this is the standard option to be set in production environment. Replace it with Quality system
4. Execute Client Import Post-Processing via transaction SCC7, start this as ”Schedule as Background Job”
5. Monitor the status via transaction SCC3. Ensure this has status “Import successful”.
6. Go to STMS and import the transports to the system
7. If so, go to transaction OBBH, double click on any of the line items, then choose Substitution > Simulate, this will generate the programs.
8. Use Transaction code FINB_TR_EXEC_AI which reads data from table FINB_TR_DEST table this is used for post processing. Check transaction FINB_TR_CC_LOG if any errors faced. Refer SAP Note 1235955 it has more details on proper transport functionality of FINBASIS Transport Tool
9. If required re-import transports into the Quality system, those which had previously been sitting in quality but never made its way through production.
10. Execute BDLS for conversion of Client-Dependent Tables.
11. Enable User Access now , LP1 Web Dispatcher should be enabled as well.
Post refresh testing
It now seems most of the refresh activities are completed by the basis team. However once the system is handed back these steps needs to be done to ensure system works fine . If BDLS is done correctly it should already be taken care but good to double check
1. Check RFC for SRM-ERP Integration SM59 Test connections. In ABAP connections Click on the system name and Utilities >> Test and click on connection test to see it is working
2. Check in SRM config below that logical system is defined correctly.
IMG > SAP web application server>> Application Server > IDoc Interface / Application Link Enabling (ALE) > Basic Settings > Logical Systems > Define Logical System
3. IN ECC side check the ports are correctly maintained
IMG > Logistics - General > Product Data Replication > Application Link Enabling (ALE) > Systems in Network > Define Port WE21Change values from Production to quality environment. If not done the IDOCs like for GR documents or HRMD_ABA wont be going out or coming in
Ensure the system details are correctly maintained in the RFC destination field.
4. IMG > Logistics - General > Product Data Replication > Application Link Enabling (ALE) > Check Partner Profile > Maintain Partner Profile Check section Partner Type LS and
Check both the SRM and ECC systems are correctly maintained and have Partner Status as Active in Tcode We20
5. Check all config and system details are correctly maintained in quality in Tcode BD64
IMG > Logistics - General > Product Data Replication > Application Link Enabling (ALE) > Modelling and Implementing Business Processes > Maintain Distribution Model and Distribute Views
Check the ECC to SRM systems connections and vice versa are correctly maintained in both the systems.
6. Copy the entries in table CRMRFCPAR and change the destination to be the SRM Quality system after refresh is complete .
7. Similarly Check Table CRMCONSUM , Table CRMSUBTAB and table TWPURLSVR, CRMPAROLTP, Table TBE11 and TBE31.
8. Check in SMOEAC all data is correctly maintained and Logical systems is maintained as quality.
9. In SRM system check these config points as well in quality system it should point to quality.
Path: IMG > SAP Supplier Relationship Management > SRM Server > Technical Basic Settings > Define System Landscape
10. IN SRM system check product category mapping to source and target system are both quality systems.
Path: IMG > SAP Supplier Relationship Management > SRM Server > Technical Basic Settings > Define Backend System for Product Category
11. Check System for GL Assignment in SRM
Path; IMG > SAP Supplier Relationship Management > SRM Server > Cross-Application Basic Settings > Account Assignment > Define G/L Account for Product Category and Account Assignment Category
12. Check System for Purchasing Objects (SRM) Ensure Sourc system is maintained as the Quality system.
Path: IMG > SAP Supplier Relationship Management > SRM Server > Cross-Application Basic Settings > Define Objects in Backend System (Purch. Reqs, Reservations, Purch. Orders).
13. Look for attributes that have logical system and RFC destination maintained in Tcode PPOSA_BBP. You can also carry out mass changes of the attribute values using program RHOMATTRIBUTES_REPLACE.
Need to check for the following attributes: VENDOR_ACS ,BSA ,SYS, ACS , VENDOR_SYS, BUK
14. In PPOSA_BBP Changes in Extended attributes for Product category should have Source system as Quality .
15. Check Web Service config at below path if you have catalogs implemented. Check URL is the correct vendor link
Path: IMG > SAP Supplier Relationship Management > SRM Server > Master Data > Content Management > Define External Web Services.
16. Check in Tcode SCOT for outbound email settings and Limit output to a selective number of users. This will restrict the mails going out from Quality system to any other users or vendors .
17. Ensure ADS connection is up and running by running the report FP_PDF_TEST_00
If the configuration is correct, the system displays the version number of the Adobe Document Services. If the configuration is not correct, the system displays a corresponding message. Check the respective configuration. This is done to check the ABAP connection to ADS.
Testing scenarios in SRM
- Create shopping cart and call external and internal catalog check that Items are brought back correctly
- If workflow is not working maintain RFC Destination for Workflow (SWU3). Basis can check the connections settings in there or restart the workflow .
- Update Position Code repair BP of users if you have test users being used in test system you may need to PFAL those users from the HR system as if you have test user Ids for Quality they would no longer be available.
- If you get an error as below Ensure that connections are trusted Basis team
- If you get more errors like below for connection with backend system check in SM59
6. Test if POWL for SC and PO is working fine and custom fields are seen. Run report POWL_D01 if needed to refresh.
7. Release any locked user entries in SM12
8. Check the SC and PO and other documents are getting transferred into backend SRM and ECC system.
9. Post a GR and see if the IDOCS are sent from one system to another correctly.
Refer some of the notes as below
1738258 - System Copy of Systems Based on SAP NetWeaver
1235955 - Client Copy: Derivation rule tables are not copied
- Local Copy: Copying Clients Within a System
- Middleware configuration guide
I hope the document is useful for those looking for information and insights on how to handle the system after refresh.
Thank you for taking time to read my blog
NOTE: I am not a BASIS resource but have got this information based on my personal exp of working closely with the Basis team over multiple refresh activities across different projects.
If something is incorrect or should be included please mention in the comments and I shall do the needful.