Purpose of this document
The purpose of this document is to provide information on enhancements specific to the requirement is - When Shopping cart is created with reference to a material which were having a valid contract in ECC, the contract price has to be picked up in Shopping cart based on the requirement date on Shopping cart, valid price during that period & quantity orders need to be populated in Shopping cart.
Target readers
SAP MM and SRM Consultants.
SRM( Classic Scenario) and R/3 /ECC Integration
Material Master created in ECC,
Contract Created in R/3 for the material
Material is replicated in SRM.
Step by Step Solution for this functionality and explanation.
Create Contract in SAP R/3 though T code: ME31K
Create a contract through T code ME31K
Display Of Contract T code : ME33K
Display the contract though ME33K
Select the Line items click on Condition to display the Price Conditions ( Below is the screen shot of Scaled prices for the material B9998300109140)
Creation Of Shopping Cart
Log on to SRM
Go to Shop screen
Enter the Product ID for the you want to created Shopping cart or select from drop down list
Added another item to SC with same material number quantity as 110 ( This example is just to show that Contract Price picking based on Quantity scales)
Note : based on Quantity The Price is picked up from contract scale price, with in the validity period.
Functional Spec details to achieve this functionality.
Contract Price to be fetched directly in SC: When Shopping Cart is created with respect to Contract; contract price should get updated in the SC on the click of Check or Order button.
Call Function Module “FM BBP_CONDITIONS_GETDETAIL” through RFC to get the contract price. This Contract price is being passed to the shopping cart which would get updated automatically on the click of ‘Check’ or ‘Order’ buttons.
Output screen shot of function module thorough Contract
Pass on the values
I_PO_NUMBER - Contract Number
I_PO_ITEM - Line Item
I_DATE - Date in format MM.DD.YYYY
I_AMOUNT - Enter the Quantity Ordered
And Execute
Result Screen shot