Purchasing Group
Purchasing group in SRM is linked with ECC/MM System. We link Purchasing group and purchasing org from org sturucture
Steps that we follow to config purchasing group and purchasing org from R/3
- Go to PPOCA_BBP and create a Root node

Right click on the “New Organization Unit” and click on Create , to create a new org unit

Select “Is line supervisor of Organization unit”

Go to Function tab of the newly created org unit

Clcik on “Purch Organization” and select the Purchasing Org and select R/3 system from the drop down .

Once Purchasing Org is maintained we need to maintain purchasing group, The procedure is same create a new Org unit and go to Function tab and now Purhchasing group is active

Now click on Purchasing group and assign the purchasing group and the R/3 System

Once this is done then purchasing org and group is maintained.
Once the purchasing group is maintained we need to maintain Responsibility tab as well. This is where the link between Purchasing Org and Purchasing group we are creating

Here we need to enter the product category for which this purchasing group will be responsible. Under this the user will be assigned who will be the responsible Manager for this purchasing group. In the "Organization Responsibility" where we assing the Org id of the Purchasing Org.So the Purchasing Org and Purchasing group link is created .
So, When user tries to create Shopping cart the right purchasing org and purchasing group are picked on runtime while creating Shopping cart.
Once Maintained the Structure will be looking something like this

As we can see the icons visisble for purchasing org and purchasing group.