I thought it would be better to have the 3rd blog on this topic to be another generic one, just like the first blog of this series. Though I had promised for result oriented SAP Procurement consultants, that follow-on blogs would focus on each business object, but I thought out that a "fun de-tour" would actually bring us to the social side before part 4 on Purchase Orders and Contracts kick-in.
The second one was focussed on SRM and the processes with Shopping cart affecting the carbon footprint, so a sinusoidal wave form with peak and troughs on and off the topic, would make it more eco friendly 🙂
USPS and Sustainability
So what do we have to share today, todays's blog we will discuss, specifically on what the "United States Post office is doing" in the area of Sustainability and Carbon Footprint reduction"
I was thrilled the other day, when I went to drop a letter, there was a fact sheet that was kept at the counter stating, "these are not 16 stamps, but 16 ways to reduce your carbon footprint and help the planet"
The stamps are not just cute, but also convey a very significant meaning, on what simple things we can all do as individuals, in small effective ways to begin the charity from home
I can't void my excitement of not showcasing how these 16 stamps looked like, so I wanted to put a picture for the ones, who am sure would not click
on the link
Lets take a closer look at some of the Go-Green Sustainability initiatives that USPS is leading and practicing in their routines
USPS is the first federal agency to publicly report greenhouse gas emissions and get third party verification.
Electric vehicles are hot now, but USPS has been using them for over 100 years.
There is lot that USPS does in their Sustainable facilities Management, the quote below is from their document on "GREENER FACILITIES"
The U.S. Postal Service is committed to making a positive impact on the environment. USPS creates sustainable spaces for employees and customers working in and conducting business at 32,000 postal facilities across the country. The Postal Service also continues to enhance standards and processes to design, construct and operate sustainable and efficient buildings that are life- cycle cost effective.
Postal buildings are going green.
Postal facilities are renovated with the indoor and outdoor environment in mind. These facilities use less energy and water, create less waste, and have less impact on the environment.
USPS is working to reduce the energy intensity (energy use per square foot) of its buildings 30 percent by 2015. The latest annual results (2009) show The Postal Service has reduced energy intensity more than 21%.
USPS using Green Vehicles
The Postal Service continues to use solar photovoltaic systems that convert sunlight directly into electricity. USPS continually pursues opportunities to obtain a significant portion of its purchased power from renewable sources.
USPS using green buildings
A variety of high performance sustainable building design concepts are integrated into the Postal Service’s national building design standards, used for all construction, renovation, repair and alteration projects. Examples of sustainable building concepts used are energy efficient lighting, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), low VOC paints, recycled-content materials and low-water-use fixtures.
USPS using Greener Facilities and landscapes
Native plant species are used in landscaping at postal facilities around the country to minimize consumption of water and energy.
Jumping back into perspective, you can visit the Go Green section of their website, but I was thrilled to see the kind of Corporate Social Responsibility demonstration, in every small initiative they drive.
This times SAPPHIRE had a great focus on Sustainability, so am getting this post out to connect perspectives, so folks, one more to the series for now...enjoy reading and to circle back, do let us know what you are doing as an individual to reduce the "Carbon Footprint in your daily life"
Cheers..Tridip Chakraborthy
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