This post is written as a detailed explanation to the thread instead of substitution folder user want substitution link in his home tab.
In this example the standard role /SAPSRM/MANAGER will be used as a template and extended with the new link for the WF substitutions.

What do You need for that.
Go to transaction PFCG - Role Maintenance and Copy the standard Role /SAPSRM/MANAGER.

Click on Copy All to copy menu and auth. profile.
After that go to che change mode of the new created role. switch on the Menu tab and create a new folder.

Give the folder name and click OK

After that you can reorder the folders with drag&drop functionality.
Add a WebDynpro application to your new order.

In the Popup enter application name and configuration name (you can select it via search help). Then "OK"

Do not forget to set the new link as a default page

Do not forget to generate the authorization profile and assign the role to the user.
After that your NWBC should function as displayed.

P.S.: English language is not my native language, and any person is not insured from mistakes and typing errors. If you have found an error in the text, please let me know - I'll correct the post.
P.P.S.: If you have some ideas, how to correct/improve this post - please don't hesitate to leave a comment.