This document will help you to create custom fields on E-sourcing Portal.
Here we are using the example to create a custom field in Project screen.
STEPS to be followed:
Click on Setup.
Then System Setup Tab
Click on Extension Definition under Configuration.
Click on Create New document
Following Screen appears :
Select Extended Class Name : It is the name of class you want to extend. In this case we are extending Project Class.
Display Name : It is the display name of this extension.
Now Add the custom field details you want to add in the project screen.
Click on Add under attributes section:
Following screen appears :
Provide the technical details of the custom field i.e. data
type, internal name, default value etc.
Click on Save and Done .
And then save the extension.
Following screen appears.
Click on the extension to display details :
Here CASH_BENEFIT is the custom field and you can use this field in the query using table FCI_DYN_$2147483547.
Cash Benefit is the display name of this custom field which will be displayed to all the users.
Click on this custom field to display its details :
If you want to inactive this field then you can choose ‘Inactive(Status)’ checkbox.
Do not forget to save the changes .
Note : You can adjust the position of this custom field using Page Customization.
Now create a Project and you will see your custom field there.
Hope this document helps .
Any suggestions/improvements are welcomed.