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1.0 Happy New Year  2012

Now, how  cool is that, 5 great articles welcoming 2012 and another great year for SAP  Procurement solutions. I just got 4 tweets and 2 DMs on twitter hitting  me early morning and one specifically from a great friend and fellow SAP Mentor  Jarret Pazahanick (@SAP_Jarret on twitter) about “why the 2012 Jan SAP Insider  Issue will excite me”, well I couldn’t resist the tweet and clicked on the  link. It was like a long cherished wish-list that had moved from being a mere  saved “wish-list” into a Shopping Cart that was ordered. Procurement lingo can  never get out of the hides of a #procurement  aficionado.

Without  wasting much time and getting lost in classic metaphors that have excited me in  the dawn of 2012, lets see what SAP Procurement content has been featured on  January 2012 – SAP Insider issue.

2.0 To Cut a Long Story  Short

Sanjay Poonen (@spoonen on twitter), kicked it off  with a strategic vision on SAP Procurement solutions with the Inside  Edge and the  importance that procurement has gained as an organization inside an enterprise,  with the million dollar statement “Centralized approach to De-centralized  procurement”, followed by a great cluster of articles that cut across Elevating  Procurement’s role in the enterprise by Emily Rakowski & Chris  Salis backed by 6  important steps to Sourcing excellence by Carolyn Beal  strengthening the story line with a strong Supplier Management  best practice and mandate by Frank Suetterlin & just  before the SAP Insider Issue moves into other facets like Mobility and Cloud,  the procurement graffiti ends with a very important article by Suzanne  Miglucci on a crafty approach to choose the right licensing & deployment  option.

Here are the  short snippets of the articles for further reading and the mug-shots of our  authors that helped deliver their thought leadership with structure  go-to-market content.

3.0 SAP Procurement : The  Social Outreach

There was  great Social Out-reach like always on twitter, supported by our followers, the  moment the articles were out on the web, we got some really overwhelming tweets,  incase the links in the graphic wont go anywhere, please click the root link  here to access all the articles http://sapinsider.wispubs.com/Issue/January%20(Issue%201)/1201/.

Here is the  cover flow of some overwhelming tweets

Never been  so overwhelmed at a stretch, hope you enjoy reading the articles and have  constructive follow-on for our thought leaders.

And as  always, here’s leaving you on a sign-off note to be tuned in Socially into our  SAP Procurement timeline

Please  follow @SAP_Procurement on twitter for the latest trends from the SAP  Procurement portfolio of solutions, you can also follow my handle @tridipchakra for a dope of procurement xChanges in the SAP world  (articles, blogs, whitepapers).

Focused  hash-tags for SAP Procurement: #SAPSRM #SAPSourcing #SAPCLM #procurement  #SAPSLM #SourcingOnDemand #SAPCatalog and there will be more in the making  as we tide along with like-minded Procurement aficionados like  you.