Let’s do a little re-cap of International Women’s Day 2023 because if you are anything like me, you felt the anticipation for it coming up but then it just passed by way too quickly. Which is, when you think about it, exactly what happens with everything that just lasts one day. To make sure that the day and all the great things that have been prepared for it stay in our heads a little bit longer, here are my three recommendations of what to re-visit.
The UN’S topics for this year’s IWD was “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality” which cuts straight to the point making a connection between equality and the role technology plays in that respect. Amongst the many things that the UN published and did for IWD, they also had a press release come out which sums up many of the things which are still going in the wrong direction. The article included the fact that the exclusion of women from the digital world leads to enormous financial losses and that still only a third of the workforce in the STEM field is female. You can check out the full article here.
I know it’s hard to read all of this and think about how much more there is to do until equality can finally be reached. So, to lighten up the mood here is something I found on the IWD website. They put together a nice portfolio of women who are blazing trails across different industries, and let me tell you, it feels really great reading about, “an entirely women-owned construction company” for a change. You can find the full portfolio here.
Let’s end with a little riddle in case you don’t know the answer yet. 😊 For me it was mind-blowing to find out the answer. If you want to take a bit more time to think about it, I suggest you stop the video at 1:38 min.
Let me know in the comments if you were able to solve it right away, what you thought of the answer and your take-aways.
There is still a long way to go but sometimes starting with yourself and questioning your status quo might be the best first step you can take.