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Whom would you like to see perform at SAP TechEd?

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I hope that SAP continues the tradition of some singer/band performing at TechEd (or Dcon or whatever it's called now ). Or even if they won't, one can always dream, right?

So which singer/band would you vote for? Note: must be a currently performing artist and not an obvious A-lister like Madona. (I totally hope someone in charge will read this , so let's be realistic). My number one vote was going to be Swedish House Mafia, but, alas, looks like they're breaking up. So my runner-ups are:

- Kylie Minogue - after following her for the last decade (including her very public dealing with health issues), I have to say she is trully an amazing woman. I've never cared for her "Locomotion" while back, but her more recent songs are great and personally I'd rather watch someone so uplifting and bubbly perform than a hip depressing "college band".

- Scissor Sisters - look them up on YouTube. Some of their lyrics might be a bit too... err... edgy, but if they perform at TechEd I totally promise to wear an "SAP is awesome" t-shirt under my Mentor shirt.


Former Member
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SAP is funky software which processes a large % of all transactional movement data representing GDP of every country in the world, particularly the largest economies.

How about paying a tribute to report RSBDCSUB (which no doubt is still processing large amounts of it...) by roping in Niel Diamond, Leonard Cohen or Sixto Rodrigues to do a gig at TechEd?

Then at the end, Justin Bieber walks onto stage and creates a sales order via a mobile app, which is processed by RSBDCSUB... which starts "Baby baby oh!.exe" via IGS for a short while until the ICM detects it as spam and sends a message to the application log, which is picked up by Solman E2E diagnostics and raises an event which the CCMS reacts to by sending Justin to Mars in a rocket without enough fuel to come back, because it is not integrated with SCM.

Something like that, but only right at the end with some fireworks... 🙂

Just a thought.



Active Contributor
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Can I make suggestions, too, even if I won't be at TechEd-Code? ^^

"Maroon 5" came to my mind. I think, they'd give you an awesome show and I don't think anybody attenting could stand still when "Move like Jagger" is played.

0 Kudos

And don't feel bad; I won't be there either.  I made it just once, in 2008, but that was a fluke.  School districts don't have the money to send staff out-of-state for conventions, most of the time, and taxpayers don't like reading that their dollars paid to send someone to Las Vegas, regardless of the reason.  One of these years, maybe I'll have both the vacation time and the money to just go on my own.

0 Kudos

That's pretty much my plan, too.

I don't know about the possibility to bring a European band over, but I think "The Baseballs" would be a great show, too.

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I still remember Kylie Minogue as a daytime soap opera star from the time I was living in Sydney in the late 80s.  She was a huge hit as a TV actress in Australia at the time.  There was some news that she was leaving whatever show it was to pursue a singing career in America, and a couple years later, when I was back in the US, sure enough, "Locomotion" came out.

Active Contributor
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Compared to SAPPHIRE, Teched always had the cooler/more relevant musical acts in the past couple years, so I really can't complain about who was picked.

Now if SAP really wants to d-code right and show they really really love developers then SAP needs to go big and get either legend or very popular.  Let's face it if you see the entertainment for the other cloud vendor's tech conference SAP really is not even on the same scale.  Don't get me wrong the bands are generally good, but they need to step things up a notch.

I'm thinking U2, Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, Prince, Pearl Jam, Mariah Carey, etc.  Go big or go home .

Take care,


0 Kudos

How about Justin Bieber? Of course we all show up with burning car tyres for the event..  🙂



0 Kudos

Stephen Johannes wrote:

Let's face it if you see the entertainment for the other cloud vendor's tech conference SAP really is not even on the same scale.

Hmmm, maybe I should visit other cloud vendors' conferences...

0 Kudos

Julius von dem Bussche wrote:

How about Justin Bieber?

Well, there is casino, so he'd have to be 21. So, D-code 2015?

0 Kudos

Yep SAP's entertainment choices at SAPPHIRE always look irrevelant, washed-up and legacy compared to a more "dreamy" conference on the other coast. The previous teched choices are pretty good for being relevant, they just might not have the heavy hitter appeal.  It's not like I'm suggesting that SAP go completely crazy and have a death metal group as the entertainment for the event(although that would be way more fun).

Although I'm going to say no on Bieber, but yes they need somebody way more intriguing.  Metallica already has showed up at the "other cloud" vendor's conference.

Take care,


0 Kudos


Yes, U2 would be excellent. If we are discussing going retro, Boy George *is* touring this year. I would be fine with some Culture Club.


0 Kudos

Lady Gaga? I don't know why I just connected the recently popular Jelena's Blog

With the hits "Poker face" or "Bad Romance".

<LadyGaga>O o O o O o O o O o OSS</LadyGaga>



PD: I just read below a suggestion of Metallica, I rather would choos Ramstein only for the hit "Du Hast Mich / Du Hasst mich"

Message was edited by: Luís Pérez Grau

0 Kudos

I'd vote for U2.

0 Kudos

Ah, good old Ramstein... I remember they also had an interesting version of Depeche Mode's "Stripped".

Perhaps some European trance / house / some kind of techno would be quite appropriate for TechEd. Sponsored by an SAP customer from pharmaceutical industry, ahem.

0 Kudos

I rather would choos Ramstein only for the hit "Du Hast Mich / Du Hasst mich"

I second that too 😉


0 Kudos

Culture Club would be great - "Church of the Poison Mind" is a great song

0 Kudos

Bieber can perform only if SAP agrees to take him back to Germany with them.


0 Kudos

NO! We don't want him either! You keep him!

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Just wanted to note that this is indeed not just for the potential TechEd participants, so if you'd like to use this opportunity to simply show off your vast knowledge of show business that's perfectly fine. Hey, it's Coffee Corner!

@Matt - Kylie's soap opera background was one of the reasons why I've never taken her seriously before and way back would've never imagined actually owning one of her CDs (or most recently MP3s).

0 Kudos

Ah, but I admit that as a wannabe Australian (not really, but I was living there for a bit), I saw it a bit like "local girl made good."  I was just disappointed she chose a cover instead of writing something original.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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as an Australian who wishes she had dual citizenship to a European Country, local girl or not - those soaps make me cringe! But in fairness, a lot of Aussie exports in film and media got their start on shows like Neighbours.

0 Kudos

same in US also,  George Clooney started on General Hospital or something like it.

0 Kudos

It was ER, I think it was a prime-time drama, which is slightly higher in the "soap hierarchy" (if it exists).

@kishan - wouldn't the intro to Enter Sandman make an excellent start for the executive keynote? Awesome-o!!!

0 Kudos

That's right, and at the time it was one of the most popular shows on television.

0 Kudos

George Clooney hit fame with ER in the mid 90's but had spent the prior 15 years in a multitude of other shows - see the early years section.  He was gorgeous in all of them

George Clooney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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I wouldn't mind seeing Mettalica's S&M rendition.


Active Contributor
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I think we need someone current.  How can you be pushing new technology and not be using new up and coming entertainers?

How about Ellie Goulding?  Maybe to big?  Is she too much an A-lister now?

"Run Into the Light"  (her second album) would make a great theme for a cloud convention.

As would her single "Anything Could Happen".


Active Contributor
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Shouldn't it be a bit SAP related? Maybe HANA Montana and her top hit Nobodies perfect (Everybody makes mistakes)

or HANA B with Merry go round

And for the oldies: Clout I think Julius knows them ........because hey are from the same country, what else did think?

0 Kudos

So whose the lucky SAP executive that gets to be twerked? 


0 Kudos


0 Kudos

What?!  I didn't say anything bad!  Actually, I probably should have said "unlucky" exec.

You know you aren't getting Hanna Montana... she's long gone... that means you get Miley.  Wrecking Ball doesn't seem to me to be a good theme for Tech Ed!!


0 Kudos

And since she seems to be out and about to be as controversial as possible at the moment, maybe it could be a bit too "dangerous" to let her run wild at a TechEd-event. ^^

Active Contributor
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Okay, if it is too controversial then she can waive the singing

Active Contributor
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This would be my choice:

That keep my smile in my face

Former Member
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SAP is funky software which processes a large % of all transactional movement data representing GDP of every country in the world, particularly the largest economies.

How about paying a tribute to report RSBDCSUB (which no doubt is still processing large amounts of it...) by roping in Niel Diamond, Leonard Cohen or Sixto Rodrigues to do a gig at TechEd?

Then at the end, Justin Bieber walks onto stage and creates a sales order via a mobile app, which is processed by RSBDCSUB... which starts "Baby baby oh!.exe" via IGS for a short while until the ICM detects it as spam and sends a message to the application log, which is picked up by Solman E2E diagnostics and raises an event which the CCMS reacts to by sending Justin to Mars in a rocket without enough fuel to come back, because it is not integrated with SCM.

Something like that, but only right at the end with some fireworks... 🙂

Just a thought.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Your ending is missing Katy Perry

0 Kudos

I almost dare suggested Katy Perry as that would have one interesting show with all the costume changes and sets.  That being said my point is if SAP is going to have entertainment at d-code, then please give the d-code folks the money to bring in act that can sell ten to twenty thousand seat arenas/stadiums and had a song/album on the top of the charts(mainstream charts only) within the last three years.   If the idea of d-code is to go beyond teched, then don't treat it like a "step-child".

The real end however for Julius's scenario would be all the systems crashing due to report bug while Kei$ha is singing "Die Young" .

Take care,


Former Member
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Given the choice, I'd go for on the drums and on the Kazoo, but that's not going to happen, so I'd settle for Aerosmith.