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Virtual SAPTechEd and SAP TechEd to Go...!

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Guys:

1) Virtual SAP Teched replaces the old SAP Teched to GO set of DVD's?

2) There are no recorded sessions for Teched in Las Vegas?




0 Kudos

Hello Federico,

You are correct - Virtual SAP TechEd is replacing the DVD sets we shipped in previous years. As an online platform, we can deliver far more content than we could on DVDs and the collaborative features (rate and review sessions, Most popular sessions, people who viewed session X also viewed session Y, etc.) provide a better experience. We will add additional content to the Premium Access Zone ongoing - another benefit over the DVD media.

We usually record TechEd sessions in Europe as the physical recording setup is better than in the US. The sessions are the same although they might be delivered by different speakers.

You can freely browse the">available [original link is broken] [original link is broken] for free as sample content.

Hope you enjoy the new format and feel free to provide us feedback.




0 Kudos

Hello Federico,

You are correct - Virtual SAP TechEd is replacing the DVD sets we shipped in previous years. As an online platform, we can deliver far more content than we could on DVDs and the collaborative features (rate and review sessions, Most popular sessions, people who viewed session X also viewed session Y, etc.) provide a better experience. We will add additional content to the Premium Access Zone ongoing - another benefit over the DVD media.

We usually record TechEd sessions in Europe as the physical recording setup is better than in the US. The sessions are the same although they might be delivered by different speakers.

You can freely browse the">available [original link is broken] [original link is broken] for free as sample content.

Hope you enjoy the new format and feel free to provide us feedback.



0 Kudos

Hi Amir,

while at first this sounds great, I have to make some critical remarks with regards to this move: It says "<i>Virtual SAP TechEd '06 lets you learn anytime, anywhere.</i>", which is clearly untrue, as you need an internet connection for it. In addition, in the FAQ it says: "<i>SAP TechEd '06 (...) full-conference registrants who paid for a full conference pass receive access to Virtual SAP TechEd '06 until Dec 31, 2007 as part of the conference registration package</i>". So this means you will not be able to review the sessions beyond that date (so how anytime?).

I agree that all this comes at a slightly cheaper price, but altogether, I think that the offered service is of a lesser overall quality than the DVD deliveries before. Very dissapointing.


Michael Koch

0 Kudos

Hi Michael,

Thanks for your feedback.

I just released a <a href="/people/amir.blich/blog/2007/01/25/welcome-to-the-premium-access-zone-paz">blog</a> discussing the PAZ program. You can find references to some of your remarks there.

There are always pros and cons when changing delivery channels and I understand you found the DVD sets valuable, but I hope you can find additional value in the online format.

As for the time limitation, before the end of the year, a new TechEd conference will reveal new and updated content. If you attend TechEd regularly, you should have uninterrupted access to the latest TechEd content. If not, as you state, all the latest content is available to you at a reasonable cost.

Let us know of additional ways to enhance the value of PAZ



0 Kudos

Hi Amir,

thanks for your response. It was mainly the misleading slogan "... access anytime, anywhere" that caught my attention.

Regarding time limitation I have to say though that not every topic is repeatedly updated at every SAPTechEd, so accessing the content for a longer period would be an advantage.

And one final (slightly off-topic) remark: if SAP wants Development Consultants to attend more regularly, then why not bring registration fees in line amongst the venues? In 2005, a 3-day-pass for SAPTechEd Vienna cost £1200 while the same 3-day-pass for Bangalore was offered at £160. SAPTechEd attendance is not cheap (especially for freelance consultants, who have to fund the fees themselves) - rolling out the carpet in the emerging economies is a "slap in the face" for consultants elsewhere.


Michael Koch

0 Kudos

Hello Michael,

Thanks for your feedback! You are correct that SAP TechEd Bangalore is priced lower than the European or US events. However, this is not done as a "giveaway" to Bangalore attendees. Each regional event has different inherint cost structures, local practices, and market expectations for such an event. Our aim is to bring the quality educational and professional networking experience of SAP TechEd to major regional markets and allow as many colleagues as possible to participate at locally appropriate and financially prudent levels of registration fee.

Hope this helps!


Chip Rodgers

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Amir:

I will suggest to give full access to those who already attend SAP Teched to Virtual SAP Teched not only for one year, rather for life of the Teched sessions be online, I have the DVDs for past two years in my briefcase and I still use some of the sessions...

My personal opinion, having the Virtual Teched is great.... you should from now on offer both Virtual SAP Teched and continue with the SAP Teched to GO set of DVDs....!

All the people who supports SAP will be happy... 😄



0 Kudos

Hello Federico,

As long as you continue to attend SAP TechEd events, you should have uninterrupted access to the latest content. This is an incentive for our audience to continue to attend the conference annually. We are definitely using this as an asset to attract people to attend the physical conference, as well as create an online channel to provide the content to those who cannot.

As much as it would be nice to have both channels: DVDs and online available, we need to focus and therefore decided to invest in building and operating the PAZ (Premium Access Zone) infrastructure in order to maximize content availability and value.

I'm glad you enjoy the virtual experience. Hope to see you in Las Vegas this year.

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Amir,

>>As long as you continue to attend SAP TechEd events, you should have uninterrupted access to the latest content

I have attended the last TechEd '06. Does that mean I can access all areas in PAZ?

Can you pls clearify this point?

P.S: I attended the event at Banglore.


Jai Shankar

0 Kudos

Hi Jai,

I should have been more clear. Access to PAZ was provided to attendees of the Las Vegas and Amsterdam events.

Full details can be found in our [original link is broken] [original link is broken] (also linked from the PAZ home page)



0 Kudos

Any chances for Banglore attendees?

0 Kudos

Well, the cost of attending TechEd in Bangalore was around <b>10%</b> of the cost in Amsterdam. You should be happy about that...

You can <a href="!?%7Etheme=66&%7Eokcode=start&zzkunnr=1040875&selected_area=1&ostore=doku02en&%7Elanguage=en&%7Elogin=ITS-ww20-01&%20selected_item=0000000001&selected_area=0000000131">purchase</a> a 12 month subscription to Virtual SAP TechEd '06 for 400 USD and still come up ahead.



0 Kudos


Thanks for the clearification.


Jai Shankar