2016 Mar 09 10:43 AM
transport request released fro quality but its not updated in quality when we refresh the page its says - Copying import queue QAS...
and showing process but getting nothing.
2016 Mar 09 11:14 AM
Hi Arun,
Before transporting TR, make sure to check below points.
Go to SE01 / 09 / 10 check for inactive objects.
Once all are perfect, Release TR from development to quality.
In some cases TR may take more time to move, it depends on the objects that are developed.
I hope this is useful.
2016 Mar 09 12:12 PM
Thanks for reply Surya
everything is fine but still request not displaying in quality server
2016 Mar 09 12:33 PM
Hi Arun,
Ok. I got you Arun,
Before moving TR, Check for dependencies with the new TR's along with the existing TR's in Quality.
This might be one of the reason.
I hope this is one of the possibility.
2016 Apr 04 12:00 PM
Hi Arun,
Open object in the SE80 in Quality system and right click --> Additional Functions-->Click Rebuild objects.
And activate again.
This will update the object after transporting the request to Quality system.
I hope this will works.
2016 Apr 04 1:04 PM
Check if you are able to see transport # in datafile and cofiles.
If yes Try to add manual in STMS queue.
Also check transport request having valid transport layer.