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The Venetian Hotel reservations

0 Kudos

Hello SDNers,

With the Venetian Hotel becoming completely sold out so early this year, I was unable to secure reservations. I did book a weeks stay at Treasure Island, but would much rather stay at the Venetian, sight of the Conference.

I've also heard that if anyone from the SAP Block of rooms cancels their reservations, The Venetian does not make that room available for the SAP Group Rate. Therefore, the only way to reserve a room at the Venetian is to do so at the regular rate which, as of this posting, is $375 per night.

If anyone that currently has reservations from Sept. 11 - Sept. 14, and for some reason needs to cancel, could you please contact me so that a fellow SAPTechster can claim your room. Obviously, we'd have to contact the Venetian to change Credit Card info. It would be GREATLY appreciated and I will reward full points!!

Thanks for your consideration.

Paul Gloede

SAP Basis Administrator

Sargento Foods Inc

Message was edited by: Paul Gloede

Message was edited by: Paul Gloede


0 Kudos

SAP has acquired more rooms at the Venetian and I was able to book there. WooHoo!

0 Kudos

Me Too! WooHoo!

Paul, thanks for the post!

0 Kudos

I was told that possibly SAP would add more rooms to their block at the Venetian.

I am in the same situation, booked at Treasure Island and my company won't pay the full Venetian rate.

I'm hoping someone will post in response to this and I can get the Venetian.

0 Kudos


They've already added rooms once, but I'm sure if enough people request it, they would purchase another block from Venetian, if available. You just need to keep checking the Hotel registration site daily. Good Luck!
