2008 Mar 10 7:21 AM
I am a functional consultant and wanted to know whether i can benefit from the Teched. Also wanted to know the registration process for one to be held in Banglore, if possible with how much dent its gonna put in my wallet....
Thanks in Anticipation
2008 Mar 26 9:27 AM
Teched is an Event for both technical and functional and more of technofunctional consultants sholud involve , the focus is on the netweaver based tools and SOA service oriented architeture and future upcoming new technologies showcased in Teched in the stalls in teched apart from the hands on sessions on various netweaver platform modules
Reward points if helpful
Dinaker vikas
2008 Mar 11 8:38 AM
Hi Ranjeet,
TechEd '08 in Bangalore will happen from 12th-14th November. The registration process is not yet open and will open around July-August. Regarding the registration charges nothing can be said till the time registration opens for it because the fees may vary at that time. However the last year charges was 16500/- INR.
To get the update on TechED " you can join the mailing list by filling your info here:
2008 Mar 26 9:27 AM
Teched is an Event for both technical and functional and more of technofunctional consultants sholud involve , the focus is on the netweaver based tools and SOA service oriented architeture and future upcoming new technologies showcased in Teched in the stalls in teched apart from the hands on sessions on various netweaver platform modules
Reward points if helpful
Dinaker vikas