2009 Apr 05 10:18 AM
I had registered for TechEd '08 at Bangalore. However, I cancelled my registration before the last date for cancellation.
I have not received a refund and also do not get replies to email: I have sent a number of emails to 'saptechedinfo.indiatsap.com' and 'saptechedatkestone.in' but have received no replies.
Does anybody have information of more appropriate contact in this regard?
Thanks in advance,
2009 Apr 06 10:12 AM
2009 Apr 06 10:35 AM
Dear Mathew,
We regret the lack of response that you experienced with regards to your e-mails. Due to some overseas transactional delays the refund took time. However as you have provided us your bank details the refund is being processed with immediate effect and within 48 hours from tomorrow the refund is expected to be credited into your account as per the interbank transaction guideline.
We assure you of faster response in future.
Warm Regards,
SAP TechEd 2008 Response Cell
2009 May 06 7:24 AM
2009 May 06 9:01 AM
This does not look like a legitimate account to me... at least not on SDN when coming from a public ISP.
I would advise (generally) against posting any bank account details in internet forums... just incase someone was tempted...
2009 May 06 9:16 AM
The details were provided over email to Kestone (at their official id) who was a service provider for SAP in hosting TechEd. I received two phone-calls from Bangalore at my office address a few minutes ago.
2009 May 06 1:59 PM
Confirmed legitimate but as Julius as already stated would highly advise caution about any form of bank detail info being exchanged in the forums. Thanks all for your vigilance.
2009 May 15 8:14 AM
For your kind information, we have paid 43 people amount in 2006 Teched.
Once we paid the amount of more than INR 500000/-, they start sending mails stating, good morning participant, you should have xx year experience, you shout get this certificate, that certificate, even dates, from past employer, confirmation from present employer, no-objection certification. This they would have done before receiving the payment. Most of people became not eligible for certification and dropped from the Teched. Because, they were not allowed for certification. Then they said we cannot give you money back. Either you attend or forget the money. For the fact that I have coordinated all our group from our company, I was under pressure to convince both the sides. Again, we have asked number of times, then they agreed for refund of 8000/- and deduction of 2500/-. Even myself cancelled. It was a hell kind of experience. I would personally say kind of cheating experience. The whole pathetic and unprofessional way they treated us.
Later I never attended any Techeds.
I would suggest if you are really interested to attend then attend. If you cancel the Teched event, then ask GOD whether I will get my money or not.
I am wonder, when Teched 2008 has happend in India. (I believe in November, 2008). This is May, 2009. Seven months. A company like SAP cannot even refund the money back in 9 months... Now, you should be in a position to understand the whole process.
Thanks for your time.
2009 May 17 5:29 AM
A refund of Rs. 9000/- was credited to my account in Bangalore on 15th May. Thanks to everybody who facilitated it.
I was forced to put a post on SDN as I got no response to the official mails I sent to the same e-mail id, I had interacted with for registration. Each time I put a post on SDN, I got a phone-call from Bangalore assuring me that the payment would be made.
However, I would not want to deprecate TechEds or SAP on this account. TechEds are great events and I would continue to try and attend them whenever I can.
Doing SAP certifications in India without SAP training (at TechEd or otherwise) to my knowledge is a difficult proposition. I know that in Europe and the Middle East, one can do any SAP certification if one has an s-id and pays the fee. I do not know, why it has to be any different in India.
The first time I attended TechEd, I tried to take the certification option: SAP India Education wanted a letter from my employer stating they do not have any objection to my writing the certification. Our HR department asked, why on or earth should the company have an objection to my writing a certification. They were prepared to give me an employment letter addressed to SAP India, stating my employment details and SAP experience. SAP India Education would not accept it. I went to TechEd anyway and had a lot of fun.
2009 May 21 4:18 PM
Hi Mathew,
Itu2019s our pleasure to service your query at the earliest and it was quite unfortunate to learn from your posting that their was no response from saptechedinfo.indiatsap.com, which we checked and found that their was no mail which came from your ID.
We are pleased to see your views on SAP TechEd and would like to reinforce that for us the attendee experience is the priority.
With regards your clarification on the certification we are checking with our SAP Education team and would revert back to you ASAP.
We regret for the inconvenience caused and look forward for your participation at SAP TechEd 2009 Bangalore to maximize your impact!
2009 May 24 5:16 AM
Hi Nadeem,
Thanks for your mail. May I ask if you work for SAP? I did not see an SAP logo.
I have the email which I sent to saptechedinfo.indiatsap.com from my company id, after receiving no reply from Kestone to a number of emails sent to them. This mail was sent on the 24th of February 2009 and did not bounce back.
2009 May 06 7:13 AM
SAP TechEd 2008 Response Cell,
I was promised over phone and posting in this forum that the refund would be made. This has not happened.
2009 May 06 7:15 AM
Alternatively, you can provide me with credit to attend a future TechEd at Bangalore.
2009 May 06 9:02 AM
Dear Mathew,
As the online transfer was not effective on the details provided the refund was not credited to your account. It could be because of the mismatch in the IFSC and A/C nums. However further to our discussion we are today depositing it in person through the ICICI Bank in Bangalore. Hence the transfer will be effective by anytime today.
Once the same has been done will keep you posted.
SAP TechEd 2008 Bangalore Response Cell