2006 Dec 11 5:10 PM
You guys should get the askaninja guy to come and give a "keynote" or something, maybe before the Demo Jam. Check out the one he did for <a href="http://www.askaninja.com/node/2069">Pop!Tech</a> it is hilarious.
2006 Dec 11 5:27 PM
I have to second that motion and give you an amen. If not for TechEd, we should at least get them to do it for SDN day!
2006 Dec 11 8:41 PM
WIKI it! Start a new page for suggestions or something in the TechEd area! We start planning this Wed. So going for the big head start
2006 Dec 11 8:55 PM
<a href="https://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/Community/SuggestionsforTechEd+2007">Done!</a>
2006 Dec 11 11:06 PM
2006 Dec 20 7:58 PM
Not sure Mark is that "American" enough to be all violent like hahahaha