2007 Oct 04 8:52 PM
Hello dear friends,
I've tried several times now to sign up for a seat in a session, but it doesn't stick in my agenda.
When I go to the website http://www.sapteched.com/emea, I log in with my Badge number and my last name. The system does recognize me, because I can see my name in my agenda (it shows <i>Welcome, Jan-Willem Kaagman</i> )
Then I navigate to the Educational sessions by date. I choose the + symbol in front of the hands-on workshop, and I do get the question if this should be one of the two reserved hands-on workshops. Ofcourse I would like to, so I click yes. The button in front of the session greys out.
Next I go to my agenda, and nothing new is shown there. Am I the only one having this problem? If I am, what am I doing wrong, and how can I reserve my seats?
Thanks in advance - helpful answers will be awarderd with points.
Jan-Willem kaagman
2007 Oct 04 10:25 PM
A few other people have experienced similar issues, but they were able to add sessions just fine after switching to a different computer. I'll send you a follow up mail shortly to get you in touch with our technical team to see if we can figure out why it's not working on your machine.
Best regards,
2007 Oct 04 10:25 PM
A few other people have experienced similar issues, but they were able to add sessions just fine after switching to a different computer. I'll send you a follow up mail shortly to get you in touch with our technical team to see if we can figure out why it's not working on your machine.
Best regards,
2007 Oct 05 12:42 AM
Hello Linda,
Thank you for your quick response. Within two hours everything was solved by email. I've awarded you full points.
With kind regards
Jan-Willem Kaagman