2007 Oct 15 12:07 PM
This thread is about some slides that Rolf-Martin promised me, relative to this thread:
from the thread:
My Question:
"I'd like to know if there is a roadmap with the features we could expect in the new version of SAPGUI 7.10, and if you guys are planning to support(or add, since it is a stand-alone application) the Graphical Screen Painter."
Rolf-Martin's answer:
"when I am in the office tomorrow, I will try to make available the slides of the SAPGUI session held on SAP TechEd in Las Vegas last week. It contains the information you are interested in."
that was a long ago ... Oct 9, 2007
thanks to all for the help ...
2007 Oct 15 8:18 PM
Hallo Jayme,
sorry that it took that long. I have discussed this with our product management and unfortunately the slides will become available online only after the sequence of SAP TechEds this fall has completed, which is end of November.
To address your particular question regarding the Graphical Screen Painter, the answer is that this will not be in SAP GUI for Java 7.10. This satellite application is outside the scope of SAP GUI for Java development. In case you want to request it officially, I suggest to raise a development request on component BC-DWB-TOO-SCR.
Regarding what's new in SAP GUI for Java 7.10, there will be shortly an announcement here on SDN.
Best regards
2007 Oct 15 8:18 PM
Hallo Jayme,
sorry that it took that long. I have discussed this with our product management and unfortunately the slides will become available online only after the sequence of SAP TechEds this fall has completed, which is end of November.
To address your particular question regarding the Graphical Screen Painter, the answer is that this will not be in SAP GUI for Java 7.10. This satellite application is outside the scope of SAP GUI for Java development. In case you want to request it officially, I suggest to raise a development request on component BC-DWB-TOO-SCR.
Regarding what's new in SAP GUI for Java 7.10, there will be shortly an announcement here on SDN.
Best regards
2007 Nov 15 11:37 AM
TechEd session slides are now available as part of <a href="https://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/virtualteched07">Virtual SAP TechEd '07</a>.
Information about SAP GUI for Java is included in session
<a href="https://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/media/uuid/c04e1944-2e6d-2a10-71b2-b0b9b3d37b53">UP115 Update on the SAP GUI Family</a>.
Best regards
2007 Nov 15 2:16 PM
2007 Nov 15 3:45 PM
Hello Jayme,
this is for the whole package, but doesn't the link directly pointing to the "SAP GUI Family" slides work without this?
Best regards
2007 Nov 15 4:02 PM
Yeah i know its the whole package, but a bit too expensive for me.
Maybe it is worth it but i only wanted to see the road map and not all the web casts.
Apparently the link you send me is for a session with your own user. That is why it didn't work.
2007 Nov 15 4:13 PM
I am sorry, I was assuming you would be able to access it the same way.
So unfortunately I have to wait for last TechEd like described in my previous reply from Oct 15.
2007 Dec 10 2:52 PM
the part regarding SAP GUI for Java is now available at
Best regards
2007 Dec 10 2:57 PM
2008 Jan 09 12:27 PM
Hi Rolf,
Similarly can we have any particular documents on SAP GUI for Windows 7.10 document provided.
2008 Jan 10 12:47 PM
Hi Nagendran,
I have asked our Product Manager to update the document "SAP GUI Family Presentation" available on [https://service.sap.com/sapgui] with the latest version.
Best regards
2022 Apr 23 7:18 PM
Hello esteemed SAP Gurus,
this post is now almost 15 years old, and yet there is no news about a Graphical Screen Painter for the (un)fortunate users of the SAP GUI for JAVA on a MacBook that still have to maintain the still very much used (in 2022!) Dynpro screens in their daily tasks, by means of a second windows computer or a windows VM.
Is there even hope we will ever have it? And yes, I've read the SAP Note 454939.
Thanks and best regards,
Eloi Bermejo
2022 Apr 23 9:00 PM
Think of the scare I had when found out in my mail the response to a question I didn't even remenmber making. It was a long time ago young little Jayme does not know what the future holds for him.
Well I hope you find an alternative for your problem, I can say that I've used a Virtual Machine to run windows all this time after that I've moved to Windows completely. Nowadays it's more and more common people using Macs and Linux machines to develop in SAP but the UI paradigm has changed and it is less common to use Classic Dynpros and more to develop UI5 even at that time Webdynpro ABAP was starting to gain some traction.
If I may make some suggestions I think the alternatives are:
Anyway, good luck! I hope you find an alternative that suits your workflow.
2022 Apr 23 9:18 PM
Thanks for the reply Jayme.
It is true that SAP shifted its focus to new UI technologies long long ago. That was the message I've got when I joined the SAP world and started playing with the shiny new Fiori toys some 8 years ago.
Nevertheless, the reality has been slapping me in the face everyday for years.
And it sounds a bit disconnected from the reality that the HUGE majority of companies still have older systems. Even in many (somewhat) new systems, Fiori is not in active use for SAP users and developers, who are still very much dealing with Dynpro transactions like VA0x, ME5xN etc in their daily lives, as well with Forms, Adobe Forms and other older, but very alive technologies.
I have little hope this will change, but it's the reality and we should not have been forgotten. 😞