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SAP TECHED-2010 in Bangalore

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi All,

This is the First Teched I attended in Banagalore .

I thought of sharing my experiences OF FIRST DAY here

Wow what a session's fantastic lectures.

Initially My day started with rush to catch the public transport in Bangalore to reach the Far Far SAP. But I thought a huge crowd to collect the passes to enter inside. But luckily SAP has Manage so well that for each alphabet one special counter.

We just entered and it started with some traditional Song later followed lecture by SAP BG HEADS.

and The INDIAN SAP BIG head announced some Special (tool or module )has been launched by SAP I thought a boring sesson started

But when the Live demo placed for the same..amazing tool 'SAP HANA' launched which works Super sonic speed which is going to change all SAP architecture...even.

I meet Craig , maryln, Raja and few other mentors...:) (Although Criag Doenst know whom I am )

and after the session we have couple of useful hands on and lectures followed by DEMO JAM anchored by our SCN SAP STAR Craig.....

This Demo Jam is something special that 6 participants will give 6 minutes of time. Each participant need to present their Demo on special tool developed by them in 6 mintues and Who ever recieves the best compliments wins that night...

All 6 are super unfortunately they can select only one

and Followed by SAP Special Party....

Unlimited Drinks , Varities of food and Music campgain...Just like the College days...

Wonderful atmosphere, Great People combination...Amazing Experience only I can say....

Defintely atleast once in life we need to attend.Stay Tuned.




0 Kudos

Hi sas,

Nice to hear from you. I am not at TechEd Bangalore, so thanks for telling your stories and first impressions. I've been following tweets mostly since the event started, but maybe you'll become my "official reporter" now?

As I was reading your post, I was thinking... Wow, this is a passionate description (food... yummy!), this belongs in a blog. I see you've never blogged on SCN but isn't it the right time to start? Tell us your impressions as a first time attendee in Bangalore, say who you met with (Craig, Marilyn, etc), what sessions you attended and what you learned. If you can, snap a few pictures and put them in your blog, etc. etc. That could be fun.

If you want to know what others wrote about their TechEd experience, go search for the [blog category "SAP TechEd"|].

If you don't know how to get started, go to the [How to Contribute page|] or even easier, go visit the Community Clubhouse on the show floor. Marilyn and others (Rashmi Manda is another contact) will be there and can show you how to blog. You can also start with a wiki entry and participate in our daily drawing at the event.

Looking forward to hearing how it goes Keep us tuned!


0 Kudos

Can't wait to hear what Sas has to say about the blog interface ...

@ Sas: well, you beat me to it TechEd Blore. It would have been great to meet you and the other gurus! As a concolation, please keep us posted with your news!



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Make sure you step in front of Marilyn's camcorder occasionally


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Sas,

Thats great to see your quick updates on SAP TechEd-Bangalore.Guess you are online always during the events. .I haven't attended any SAP TechEds before but while seeing the updates and that too in your language i am eager to attend one somehow or other in future.

I like your two terms


> We just entered and it started with some traditional Song later followed lecture by SAP BG HEADS.

SAP BG HEADS.. sounds good for Moderators

>....DEMO JAM anchored by our SCN SAP STAR Craig.....

..this one is too good..probably you can add a 'SUPER' before 'STAR'. Craig is going to love it.

Waiting for your hourly updates for Day 2 and 3.


0 Kudos

Well Thanks for Laure for reminding me about camera which I would have forgotten ....and more over the Blog which I never thought of it ...Let me collobrate and let you know

@ andrew

I am in the Training session will be back when time finds


0 Kudos

I missed this great even including Community Day during which I was not keeping well and had to cancel my trip to Bangalore. Thanks for updating the event.

G. Lakshmipathi

0 Kudos

Hope you are feeling better now Lakshmi. You were really missed at Community Day/ Innovation Day.

I was delighted to get the opportunity to meet SAS but he was a tiny bit camera shy so disappointingly, I don't have those vids

SAS, when you are ready to step out more visibly let me know. We can do a video session (connect) because I never like to let these things entirely go.

The event was very dynamic.

Thomas, Julius, Stephen....I now have the 3 moderator meetups behind me and am threatening to finish posting all 3 locations' videos with a Moderator Mega post.

Thanks to you all!

0 Kudos

I was delighted to get the opportunity to meet SAS but he was a tiny bit camera shy so disappointingly, I don't have those vids

SAS, when you are ready to step out more visibly let me know. We can do a video session (connect) because I never like to let these things entirely go.

Now that you have divulged some mystery information about Sas, I'm sure he wouldn't be all that camera-shy...


PS: Sorry Marilyn for not having kept the Moderator Meet date. I've been so deluged with work, that I can hardly make time for the forums let alone attend a full-day event. I truly lost an opportunity to meet some SCN stalwarts and friends.

Edited by: kishan P on Dec 5, 2010 7:22 PM