2007 Sep 06 9:50 PM
If you are interested in discounted SAP certification exams available exclusively to SAP TechEd '07 full conference attendees, please review the information published on each of the conference websites by selecting one of the locations below. You'll find information on pricing and registration methods, available exams, exam date ranges, eligibility requirements (where applicable), and more.
<a href="http://www.sapteched.com/usa/reg/certificationExams.htm">Las Vegas</a>
<a href="http://www.sapteched.com/emea/reg/certificationExams.htm">Munich</a>
Thanks for your interest in SAP TechEd and the SAP certification program.
Best regards,
Linda Bortolus
Message was edited by:
Linda Bortolus
Message was edited by:
Linda Bortolus
2007 Sep 12 8:55 PM
Dear Ms. Linda,
Thank you for the info..my post comes from my in-experience with SAP TechEd conferences..also as other's have asked how does one go about preparing for the certifications provided in the TechEd conference.
Kindly oblige.
2007 Sep 13 5:31 PM
Hi Deepak,
Good question. To find details on material covered and ways to attain the knowledge necessary for the specific certification exams offered at a discount to SAP TechEd attendees, follow the steps below:
1. Go to <a href="http://www.pearsonvue.com/sap/teched/exams/">http://www.pearsonvue.com/sap/teched/exams/</a>
2. Select the specific certifcation exam you are interested in
4. Select the link under "certification tests" in the lower right hand of the page
5. You will then see a section called "Competency Areas" which will provide guidance on what material is covered and the SAP course knowledge you should have for a given certification.
Best regards,
2007 Sep 26 1:03 PM
Dear Linda,
Can you please let me know where can i find the links or blogs for foramt of the BI certification exam? i mean any samples of exam pattern ? Because i couldnot get any sample exam link or blogs in SDN.
2007 Sep 26 7:48 PM
Hi Shailaja,
Is this the type of info you are looking for?
<a href="http://www.sap.com/services/education/certification/certroles/certificationtest.epx?context=FFC760B8923D16BB5150DAE63E7C1A6B331AF0B9E3A8F73CE3A9B7046E051044503600C911DBA13DCE978D3AC9057626D2B68111A7CD2D707E2EEC31213097E46EB790DD0106435EE0756F7B22F3FA4B4FF0645C06954BF3A150E023B4164DA24EB952B01950D2701183AB9685F14AE183969F6F16F60D9796656E9F0E70902208331EAE77573E9F62201C0D2E1680A462A0AAB7E0004B24%7cDA891B3C877030D9765B85CAE6AC82FC3EB6BC7DA10B7335&response=shared">exam details</a>
For future reference, you can find such details for other exams by following the steps I've outlined in my previous response within this thread. I don't know of any more specific information published on the exams. If you have more specific questions about the exam, try the contact link at the bottom of that page.
I hope this helps.
Best regards,
2008 Jun 27 12:38 PM
Hi Linda,
I am very much excited about TechEd 08, Could you plz let me know whether we can take multiple certification exams in the same TechEd.
My area of expertise is CRM Marketing and CRM Service with close to 2.5 yrs exp, So would like to take exam for both at associate level. Is it possible to do the same with discounts applicable for both exams.