2006 Sep 18 9:44 PM
I was told that pdf's of the presentations would be available soon on SDN.
Does anybody know when and where?
2006 Sep 19 2:43 AM
Announcements will be made over the next couple of weeks on how to get the conference materials.
2006 Sep 19 2:43 AM
Announcements will be made over the next couple of weeks on how to get the conference materials.
2006 Sep 19 10:51 PM
Does anyone know if they'll be providing anything beyond PDF's of the handouts? Last year's "TechEd to Go" DVD set was awesome; something like that would let us watch (or at least listen to) the sessions we weren't able to attend due to schedule conflicts. Just my $0.02.
2006 Sep 19 10:58 PM
2006 Sep 20 1:13 AM
You could purchase last year's, even if you didn't attend? Got a link? I just watched some of the sessions from a borrowed set loaned to me by an attendee, but would love to own my own set!
2006 Sep 20 1:30 AM
2006 Sep 20 2:59 AM
This might be the <a href="https://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/teched05togo?promo=sdnhome">link</a> Rich was referring to..
2006 Sep 20 3:23 AM
Bah, the 'Get it Now' link doesn't work. It says "Item 0000000022 does not exist".
Anyone got one they want to unload cheap, now that the '06 set is on the way?
2006 Sep 20 2:30 PM
Now that would be doing something not allowed and I am certain NO ONE will be doing this!
Session Handout PDFs
SAP TechEd '06 Las Vegas conference registrants may access and download the session handout PDFs from the conference websitewww.sapteched.com/usastarting this Friday 22 Sep.
Access is restricted to SAP TechEd '06 Las Vegas conference registrants.
Virtual SAP TechEd '06:
At SAP TechEd '06 Amsterdam, 18-20 Oct, over 100 hours of selected sessions will be video recorded.
As part of SAP TechEd '06 Las Vegas conference registration, SAP TechEd '06 Las Vegas registrants will receive free access to these video recorded sessions. We expect these video-recorded sessions to be available in late November.
At this time, we do not know whether these video recorded sessions will be accessible online or published on DVDs.
2006 Sep 20 4:18 PM
Sorry, I didn't realize it couldn't be re-sold... I didn't see any terms of use at the link above, and wasn't able to order it by following the "Get it now" link there...
I'm looking forward to seeing the sessions I missed this year!
2006 Sep 21 9:46 AM
Looks like the link is indeed broken and since we stopped promoting the DVD when TechEd '06 registration started, we did not track it. The DVD set is still available in the SAP knowledge shop.
Here is how you can access the product page:
1. Go to www.sap.com/shop
2. Click on the 'SAP Knowledge Shop' link
3. Search for 'teched'. Both results are the same item located in different categories.
2006 Oct 11 3:46 PM
Does anyone know if the "Unavailable" presentations will become available in the near future? Specifically I'm interested in these sessions which I was unable to attend, and which don't currently have materials available:
SOA111 - User Interface Strategy for SAP
EPI209 - Quick Sizing SAP NetWeaver XI 3.0
CD256 - Interactive Forms in Web Dynpro for Java
ULM250 - Build ESOA Development Landscape in Hours
2006 Oct 13 6:50 PM
Hi Rich,
EPI209 and CD256 - These presentations have been added to the site. Thanks for alerting us to the fact that they were not available.
SOA111 - There were no handouts for this session, so there are no materials to publish.
ULM250 - This session only had a Word document, which is available on the website.