2009 Nov 17 7:22 AM
I paid full conference fee and VSTE Fee also.
I have Suser Id. Can i use it as logon details for VSTE ?
Where should i have to login to get access on VSTE ?
When VSTE will be opened. How can i get intimation for that.
2009 Nov 19 10:52 PM
Virtual SAP TechEd Complementary access for SAP TechEd Vienna and Phoenix participants will be available on the beginning of December. You will get a "go live" notification mail with more information. To access the sessions you will be asked to use your SDN User ID that is attached your conference registration. Want to learn more and get a first peak of 09 content? You are welcome to visit [the 2009 Session Catalog |http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/vste-complete?sdn_event_version=sdn_event_teched_version_09] page|
Let me know if you have any additional questions,
Idit Herzog
2009 Nov 19 10:52 PM
Virtual SAP TechEd Complementary access for SAP TechEd Vienna and Phoenix participants will be available on the beginning of December. You will get a "go live" notification mail with more information. To access the sessions you will be asked to use your SDN User ID that is attached your conference registration. Want to learn more and get a first peak of 09 content? You are welcome to visit [the 2009 Session Catalog |http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/vste-complete?sdn_event_version=sdn_event_teched_version_09] page|
Let me know if you have any additional questions,
Idit Herzog
2009 Dec 11 11:28 AM
2009 Dec 17 8:11 PM
I attended in Phoenix, but didn't receive an email about this. I can't view the videos after I login and it says I need to purchase. How can I get the email?
2009 Dec 20 7:01 AM
Hi Craig,
We send you a personal mail with information about your access .
Vienna and Phoenix attendees: If you are experiencing access problems, it may be that the e-mail address you used to register for SAP TechEd 2009 Phoenix does not match the e-mail address associated with your SDN account. To authenticate yourself as a conference registrant, please use this E-mail Verification Form:
[[USA Form|http://www.sapteched.com/usa/pazaccess/login09.htm]|
[EMEA Form|http://www.sapteched.com/emea/pazaccess/login09.htm]