2006 Apr 13 8:59 AM
Hi there,
The installation of finished correctly.
But i got some problems:
1. The location to store the credential file("usr/SAP/J2E/SYS/global/AdobeDocumentServices/TrustManagerService/trust/credentials")is not created on the harddisk. I created it myself.
2. When i want to test if the ADS is correctly running (http://localhost:50000/AdobeDocumentServices/Config) i got an error. I found out that the service IIOP needs to run. After starting it manually and starting all the other "Document Services" manually it worked.
What the biggest problem right now is, that if i configure the service "Document Services Configuration" and i push the browse button to locate the credential file i get the following error:
<i>com.adobe.service.sap.ConfigurationException:An error occured while indexing the credential files</i>
<i>com.adobe.service.sap.ConfigurationException:An error occured while locating the document trust manager</i>
<i>com.adobe.service.sap.ConfigurationException:An error occured unable to locate the document services trust manager</i>
I hope somebody can help me to solve this problem.
Thx in advance.
Regards, Maarten
2006 Apr 13 7:56 PM
did you provide a adobe credential?
regarding the missing directory for adobe. Thx. It seems to be a bug in SAPInst.
2006 Apr 13 7:56 PM
did you provide a adobe credential?
regarding the missing directory for adobe. Thx. It seems to be a bug in SAPInst.
2006 Apr 13 8:09 PM
Hi Oliver,
Thx for the reply.
Will there be a new sneakpreview availiable for download soon? Of course with the bug fixed?
Hope to hear from you soon.
Regards Maarten.
2006 Apr 13 8:47 PM
HI Maarten,
I am having the same issue with browsing for the credential file. Were you able to find a solution to this?
Thanks, Neeta
2006 Apr 13 9:36 PM
Hi Neeta,
I am sorry to tell you that i didn't found any solution. As Oliver said in the post above, it is a bug in the SapInst. I hope that there will be a new download availiable soon.
Regards Maarten.
2006 Apr 20 1:13 PM
Hello all,
I had the same bug with SP16, I solved it by starting all the required services for Adobe Forms (IIOP in server <b>and</b> cluster, XML & PDF modules and also all the Document Services).
After that you can install and configure your credentials.
Best regards,
2006 Apr 27 7:50 AM
hi Gendebien:
i've started all the services in Visual Admin, but problem also appears.
can you tell me <b>which version</b> you've configured?
2006 Apr 27 12:17 PM
Hello Tony,
The version I'm currently using is NWDS04 SP16 (Sneak Preview Java full version). Try to start them all, restart the WAS, re-start the services and it should work...
2006 Apr 27 6:38 PM
The advice from Francois regarding "Try to start them all, restart the WAS, re-start the services and it should work..." worked for me.
2006 Apr 29 4:23 AM
Hi, Sumit:
excuse me, but how to restart WAS??? also in the services list of Visual Admin?
Thank you
2006 Jun 02 7:43 AM
Hey, Any one found any solution on that.
We are on EP 6 SP15, Installed ADS patch sp15
But during configuration , it gives me the error while browsing for the certificate.
Any solution >
2006 Jun 02 7:49 AM
As explained in the previous posts, this issue can be solved by first starting all the ADS-related services (on the server and on the cluster - check above) and then by browsing for your credential.
2006 Jun 02 10:37 AM
I am still getting following errors...tried restarting all the services related to ADS including iiop.
An error occurred while indexing the credential files:
com.adobe.service.sap.configuration.ConfigurationException: An error occurred while indexing the credential files:
com.adobe.service.sap.configuration.ConfigurationException: An error occurred while locating the document services trust manager:
An error occurred while indexing the credential files:
com.adobe.service.sap.configuration.ConfigurationException: An error occurred while indexing the credential files:
com.adobe.service.sap.configuration.ConfigurationException: An error occurred while locating the document services trust manager base directory::
org.omg.CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT: vmcid: 0x0 minor code: 0 completed: No#
2006 Jun 02 1:40 PM
Solved the problem
In data manager service: parameter: Keypass was wrong
Just copied the password which SAP provided and restarted the service.
It worked fine