2006 Aug 29 4:08 PM
If SDN Day registration doesn't guarantee a seat at the 6-hr CAF workshop, how does one reserve a seat?
Reason I'm asking is that if one must do something else to reserve a seat, and if I'm too late, then I'll try and register for the just announced MDM session from 12 - 5.
Thanks for any guidance anyone can provide
2006 Aug 30 2:49 PM
PL check Craig's reply <a href="/people/mark.finnern/blog/2006/09/05/sdn-day-sessions-in-las-vegas-update-ii">here</a>
2006 Aug 30 2:49 PM
PL check Craig's reply <a href="/people/mark.finnern/blog/2006/09/05/sdn-day-sessions-in-las-vegas-update-ii">here</a>