2007 Oct 13 8:04 AM
can anybody give me the detail syllabus of c_abap_70 certification. Syllabuswise what's the difference between C_ABAP_70 and C_ABAP12_04
2007 Oct 15 7:50 AM
Hi Ajay,
See the below link for the syllabus for C_ABAP_70:
2007 Oct 19 6:28 AM
Hi do you have anay abap Questions , i ma also appearing for C_ABAP_70 in this Tech Ed
if you have any send to govindunagotla@sap.com
I also send if i got any other materials
2007 Oct 22 5:54 AM
Hi guys,
I'm apperaing for C_ABAP12_04. Please send the material to me as well.
2007 Oct 26 9:01 PM
To find details on certification material covered and ways to attain the knowledge necessary for the specific certification exams offered at a discount to SAP TechEd attendees, follow the steps below:
1. Go to http://www.pearsonvue.com/sap/teched/exams/
2. Select the specific certifcation exam you are interested in
4. Select the link under "certification tests" in the lower right hand of the page
5. You will then see a section called "Competency Areas" which will provide guidance on what material is covered and the SAP course knowledge you should have for a given certification.
Still have questions after reviewing those details? Please check the for similar questions from other community members. If you still don't find the answer you are looking for, write to the SAP certification team directly at richard.strattner@sap.com.
For general SAP Certification information, visit: www.sap.com/services/education/certification
Thanks for your interest in SAP TechEd and the SAP certification program.
Best regards,
Linda Bortolus