I could not attend both TechEd's in Las Vegas and Barcelona, but I tried to follow it online and from the fellows' tweets.
4 or 5 years ago
bill.mcdermott has declared in an interview (sorry I could not remember exactly) that: " SAP will be a cloud company powered by HANA and presented by beautiful Fiori screens.
This year I am really convinced that SAP almost hit their targets:
- Almost all major SAP offerings are moved to cloud or has a cloud native twin.
- SAP has cloud platform with full support of Cloud Foundry principles with Kubernetes support. Now extending SAP Cloud Products are so easy.
- Existing expertise is not wasted, ABAP now in CP.
(Many thanks to
steinermatt for the screenshot, I get it from his twitter feed)
However I am very much impressed to see how Intelligent Enterprise is evolved into something real: SAP Intelligent RPA Studio.
This will really change the rules in RPA market, any process/step in most of the SAP products (S/4HANA, Ariba, Concur, SF, I can only noticed these ones in Keynote today) can be recorded and enhanced (this means you teach the bots) and can be saved as a bot skills. Building combinations/collaborations of bot skills are designed as process automation. Great thing is CoPilot can consume these automation.
(Many thanks to
tammy.powlas3 for the screenshot, I get it from her twitter feed)
I have only one concern : pricing. SAP Ecosytem need a simple pricing !!! Please do it right at first time.
Now there are real and solid reasons to move to new SAP World.