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Study Abroad Opportunities

Former Member
0 Kudos

I have an undergraduate informations systems student that is interested in study abroad opportunities at SAP UA institutions outside the U.S.

Does anyone plan to offer SAP courses during the May-August time frame that this student might be interested in?

Edited by: Elizabeth Field on Feb 9, 2009 3:18 PM

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello, Thomas. I hope that as the days go on and more and more of our members form different countries register and join the dialogue in this brand new community, they can help you generate some leads, or even offer up a specific spot at their institution.

I can tell you that in many countries, you will find it rare to have summer term opportunities for study. This is a big limiting factor for this request. But over 80% of our member schools are outside of the USA, so this still leaves some room for a 'hit'.

Your student should start with the International Office at your university to find out which international universities have already contracted with your university and offer programs in the summer for his general area of study (business, CS/IT, etc.). You can then contact your UA representative in the USA for a simple cross-reference check against our worldwide member list. Maybe we will have some luck in matching the connection.

This would have the additional advantage to pave the way for support from your International Office on the many critical issues that come up with international study - visa, transportation, tuition waiver if exchange, tuition payment if no exchange, living arrangements and costs, student expectations and privileges, etc. Most important, your student would want to know that successful grades can be transferred back for credit.

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Thomas,

I'm afraid we don't have an UKI opportunities for your student this summer as of course it would be too late. However this is something I am actively trying to develop for the future. A few colleagues from a US university will be travelling to one of my members in Ireland in a few weeks to talk about faculty and student exchanges and this is something I am very keen to support. In part because of the chance it offers for students to spread their wings and obtain a richer and more varied educational experience. In part because the students and faculty will have very different approaches to learning and teaching that should reinforce and cross-polinate each other and allow both to create a richer teaching environment.

I would suggest that that perhaps a good approach would be to form a relationship with a specific institution and initially exchange students between those two universities. I am certainly happy to progress any relationships in the UK and Ireland - we have 35 members across both countries so you'd be certain to find someone with similar teaching and course content. But outside the UK&I with almost 1,000 members worldwide I think Bob's suggestion is a great one - your certain to find a school that would match your course credit criteria and stduent interests pretty much exactly.

An idea for the future - and I don't know how realistic this is but it would certainly require authority greater than mine - would be to establish a network of interested UA members with a specific interest in student and faculty exchanges. There are already bodies like this but they are in the public domain - one I remember from my own student days is the PIMS network that enabled me to complete my MSc thesis in Palo Alto. I don't know if it still exists. Perhaps UA members would be interested in establishing their own network?


Martin Gollogly

Director, University Alliances

United Kingdom and Ireland

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Thomas,

I can offer you two options but both are in German.

First is u201CControlling by SAP ERPu201D from April 6th to 9th, 2009 at Münster University.

Second is u201CIntegration of IFRS financial reporting by SAP ERPu201D from June 2nd to 5th, 2009 at Frankfurt University.

You will find more detailed information on my website at (coming up soon for the Frankfurt course)

Send me an e-mail if you are interested.

Kind regards Jürgen Meyer

Edited by: Jürgen Meyer on Feb 10, 2009 9:45 PM